Working with nodes to add protobuf to persist to db

adding a link to a node does a realloc. I believe this is causing
problems. I am going to replace this and see if that fixes the issue.
This commit is contained in:
jmjatlanta 2016-12-12 15:06:17 -05:00
parent e0b0552b39
commit 4fe768c2c5
8 changed files with 682 additions and 244 deletions

View file

@ -16,26 +16,40 @@ enum WireType ipfs_cid_message_fields[] = { WIRETYPE_VARINT, WIRETYPE_VARINT, WI
size_t ipfs_cid_protobuf_encode_size(struct Cid* cid) {
return 11+12+cid->hash_length+11;
if (cid != NULL)
return 11+12+cid->hash_length+11;
return 0;
int ipfs_cid_protobuf_encode(struct Cid* cid, unsigned char* buffer, size_t buffer_length, size_t* bytes_written) {
size_t bytes_used;
*bytes_written = 0;
int retVal = 0;
retVal = protobuf_encode_varint(1, ipfs_cid_message_fields[0], cid->version, buffer, buffer_length, &bytes_used);
*bytes_written += bytes_used;
retVal = protobuf_encode_varint(2, ipfs_cid_message_fields[1], cid->codec, &buffer[*bytes_written], buffer_length - (*bytes_written), &bytes_used);
*bytes_written += bytes_used;
retVal = protobuf_encode_length_delimited(3, ipfs_cid_message_fields[2], cid->hash, cid->hash_length, &buffer[*bytes_written], buffer_length - (*bytes_written), &bytes_used);
*bytes_written += bytes_used;
if (cid != NULL) {
retVal = protobuf_encode_varint(1, ipfs_cid_message_fields[0], cid->version, buffer, buffer_length, &bytes_used);
*bytes_written += bytes_used;
retVal = protobuf_encode_varint(2, ipfs_cid_message_fields[1], cid->codec, &buffer[*bytes_written], buffer_length - (*bytes_written), &bytes_used);
*bytes_written += bytes_used;
retVal = protobuf_encode_length_delimited(3, ipfs_cid_message_fields[2], cid->hash, cid->hash_length, &buffer[*bytes_written], buffer_length - (*bytes_written), &bytes_used);
*bytes_written += bytes_used;
return 1;
int ipfs_cid_protobuf_decode(unsigned char* buffer, size_t buffer_length, struct Cid** output) {
// short cut for nulls
if (buffer_length == 0) {
*output = NULL;
return 1;
size_t pos = 0;
struct Cid cid;
int version = 0;
unsigned char* hash;
size_t hash_length;
char codec = 0;
int retVal = 0;
while(pos < buffer_length) {
size_t bytes_read = 0;
int field_no;
@ -46,15 +60,15 @@ int ipfs_cid_protobuf_decode(unsigned char* buffer, size_t buffer_length, struct
pos += bytes_read;
switch(field_no) {
case (1):
cid.version = varint_decode(&buffer[pos], buffer_length - pos, &bytes_read);
version = varint_decode(&buffer[pos], buffer_length - pos, &bytes_read);
pos += bytes_read;
case (2):
cid.codec = varint_decode(&buffer[pos], buffer_length - pos, &bytes_read);
codec = varint_decode(&buffer[pos], buffer_length - pos, &bytes_read);
pos += bytes_read;
case (3):
retVal = protobuf_decode_length_delimited(&buffer[pos], buffer_length - pos, &cid.hash, &cid.hash_length, &bytes_read);
retVal = protobuf_decode_length_delimited(&buffer[pos], buffer_length - pos, &hash, &hash_length, &bytes_read);
if (retVal == 0)
return 0;
pos += bytes_read;
@ -63,8 +77,8 @@ int ipfs_cid_protobuf_decode(unsigned char* buffer, size_t buffer_length, struct
retVal = ipfs_cid_new(cid.version, cid.hash, cid.hash_length, cid.codec, output);
retVal = ipfs_cid_new(version, hash, hash_length, codec, output);
return retVal;

View file

@ -13,21 +13,20 @@
struct Link
struct NodeLink
char * name;
size_t size;
struct Cid * Lcid;
char* name;
struct Cid * cid;
struct Node
unsigned char * data;
unsigned char* data;
size_t data_size;
unsigned char * encoded;
struct Cid * cached;
unsigned char* encoded;
struct Cid* cached;
int link_amount;
struct Link * links[];
struct NodeLink* links[];
@ -42,107 +41,147 @@ struct Node
/* Create_Link
* @Param name: The name of the link (char *)
* @Param size: Size of the link (size_t)
* @Param ahash: An Qmhash
* @param node_link a pointer to the new struct NodeLink
* @returns true(1) on success
struct Link * Create_Link(char * name, unsigned char * ahash);
int ipfs_node_link_new(char * name, unsigned char * ahash, struct NodeLink** node_link);
/* Free_Link
/* ipfs_node_link_free
* @param L: Free the link you have allocated.
void Free_Link(struct Link * L);
int ipfs_node_link_free(struct NodeLink * node_link);
* Node protobuf functions
* return an approximate size of the encoded node
* @param node the node to examine
* @returns the max size of an encoded stream of bytes, if it were encoded
size_t ipfs_node_protobuf_encode_size(struct Node* node);
* Encode a node into a protobuf byte stream
* @param node the node to encode
* @param buffer where to put it
* @param max_buffer_length the length of buffer
* @param bytes_written how much of buffer was used
* @returns true(1) on success
ipfs_node_protobuf_encode(struct Node* node, unsigned char* buffer, size_t max_buffer_length, size_t* bytes_written);
* Decode a stream of bytes into a Node structure
* @param buffer where to get the bytes from
* @param buffer_length the length of buffer
* @param node pointer to the Node to be created
* @returns true(1) on success
ipfs_node_protobuf_decode(unsigned char* buffer, size_t buffer_length, struct Node** node);
* Node Functions
* Creates an empty node, allocates the required memory
* Returns a fresh new node with no data set in it.
struct Node * Create_Empty_Node();
int ipfs_node_new(struct Node** node);
int Node_Set_Cached(struct Node * N, struct Cid * TheCid);
* sets the Cid into the struct element titled cached
* @param node the node to work with
* @param cid the cid
* @returns true(1) on success
int ipfs_node_set_cached(struct Node* node, struct Cid* cid);
* Sets the data of a node
* @param Node: The node which you want to set data in.
* @param Data, the data you want to assign to the node
* Sets pointers of encoded & cached to NULL /following go method
* returns 1 on success 0 on failure
int Node_Set_Data(struct Node * N, unsigned char * Data, size_t data_size);
int ipfs_node_set_data(struct Node * N, unsigned char * Data, size_t data_size);
* @param NODE: the node you wish to alter (struct Node *)
* @param Data: The data you wish to set in encoded.(unsigned char *)
* returns 1 on success 0 on failure
int Node_Set_Encoded(struct Node * N, unsigned char * Data);
int ipfs_node_set_encoded(struct Node * N, unsigned char * Data);
* Gets data from a node
* @param Node: = The node you want to get data from. (unsigned char *)
* Returns data of node.
unsigned char * Node_Get_Data(struct Node * N);
unsigned char * ipfs_node_get_data(struct Node * N);
/*Node_Copy: Returns a copy of the node you input
/*ipfs_node_copy: Returns a copy of the node you input
* @param Node: The node you want to copy (struct CP_Node *)
* Returns a copy of the node you wanted to copy.
struct Node * Node_Copy(struct Node * CP_Node);
struct Node * ipfs_node_copy(struct Node * CP_Node);
* Once you are finished using a node, always delete it using this.
* It will take care of the links inside it.
* @param N: the node you want to free. (struct Node *)
void Node_Delete(struct Node * N);
void ipfs_node_free(struct Node * N);
* Returns a copy of the link with given name
* @param Name: (char * name) searches for link with this name
* Returns the link struct if it's found otherwise returns NULL
struct Link * Node_Get_Link(struct Node * N, char * Name);
struct NodeLink * ipfs_node_get_link_by_name(struct Node * N, char * Name);
* Removes a link from node if found by name.
* @param name: Name of link (char * name)
* returns 1 on success, 0 on failure.
int Node_Remove_Link(char * Name, struct Node * mynode);
int ipfs_node_remove_link_by_name(char * Name, struct Node * mynode);
/* N_Add_Link
/* ipfs_node_add_link
* Adds a link to your node
* @param mynode: &yournode
* @param mylink: the CID you want to create a node from
* @param linksz: sizeof(your cid here)
* Returns your node with the newly added link
struct Node * N_Add_Link(struct Node ** mynode, struct Link * mylink, size_t linksz);
struct Node * ipfs_node_add_link(struct Node ** mynode, struct NodeLink * mylink, size_t linksz);
* Create a node from a link
* @param mylink: the link you want to create it from. (struct Cid *)
* @param linksize: sizeof(the link in mylink) (size_T)
* Returns a fresh new node with the link you specified. Has to be freed with Node_Free preferably.
* @param node the pointer to the new node
* @returns true(1) on success
struct Node * N_Create_From_Link(struct Link * mylink) ;
int ipfs_node_new_from_link(struct NodeLink * mylink, struct Node** node);
* @param data: bytes buffer you want to create the node from
* returns a node with the data you inputted.
* @param data_size the size of the data
* @param node the pointer to the new node
* @returns true(1) on success
struct Node * N_Create_From_Data(unsigned char * data, size_t data_size);
int ipfs_node_new_from_data(unsigned char * data, size_t data_size, struct Node** node);
* @param data: encoded bytes buffer you want to create the node from
* returns a node with the encoded data you inputted.
* create a Node struct from encoded data
* @param data: encoded bytes buffer you want to create the node from. Note: this copies the pointer, not a memcpy
* @param node a pointer to the node that will be created
* @returns true(1) on success
struct Node * N_Create_From_Encoded(unsigned char * data);
int ipfs_node_new_from_encoded(unsigned char * data, struct Node** node);
* !!!This shouldn't concern you!
@ -179,7 +218,7 @@ struct Link_Proc
char * remaining_links; // Not your concern.
int ammount; //This will store the ammount of links, so you know what to process.
struct Link * links[]; // Link array
struct NodeLink * links[]; // Link array

View file

@ -13,9 +13,15 @@
int ipfs_merkledag_add(struct Node* node, struct FSRepo* fs_repo) {
// taken from merkledag.go line 59
// protobuf the node
size_t protobuf_len = ipfs_node_protobuf_encode_size(node);
size_t bytes_written = 0;
unsigned char protobuf[protobuf_len];
ipfs_node_protobuf_encode(node, protobuf, protobuf_len, &bytes_written);
// turn the node into a block
struct Block* block;
ipfs_blocks_block_new(node->data, node->data_size, &block);
ipfs_blocks_block_new(protobuf, bytes_written, &block);
int retVal = fs_repo->config->datastore->datastore_put_block(block, fs_repo->config->datastore);
if (retVal == 0) {
@ -23,7 +29,7 @@ int ipfs_merkledag_add(struct Node* node, struct FSRepo* fs_repo) {
return 0;
Node_Set_Cached(node, block->cid);
ipfs_node_set_cached(node, block->cid);
// TODO: call HasBlock (unsure why as yet)
@ -47,8 +53,8 @@ int ipfs_merkledag_get(const struct Cid* cid, struct Node** node, const struct F
return 0;
// we have the block. Fill the node
*node = N_Create_From_Data(block->data, block->data_length);
Node_Set_Cached(*node, cid);
ipfs_node_protobuf_decode(block->data, block->data_length, node);
ipfs_node_set_cached(*node, cid);

View file

@ -10,74 +10,300 @@
#include "ipfs/node/node.h"
// for protobuf Node data & data_size encoded cid link_amount & links
// for protobuf NodeLink name cid
enum WireType ipfs_node_link_message_fields[] = { WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED, WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED };
* Link Functions
/* Create_Link
/* ipfs_node_link_new
* @Param name: The name of the link (char *)
* @Param size: Size of the link (size_t)
* @Param ahash: An Qmhash
struct Link * Create_Link(char * name, unsigned char * ahash)
int ipfs_node_link_new(char * name, unsigned char * ahash, struct NodeLink** node_link)
struct Link * mylink;
mylink = malloc(sizeof(struct Link));
mylink->name = name;
*node_link = malloc(sizeof(struct NodeLink));
if (*node_link == NULL)
return 0;
(*node_link)->name = name;
int ver = 0;
size_t lenhash = strlen((char*)ahash)-1;
ipfs_cid_new(ver, ahash, lenhash*2, CID_PROTOBUF, &mylink->Lcid);
mylink->size = sizeof(mylink) + mylink->Lcid->hash_length; //Unsure of this
return mylink;
size_t lenhash = strlen((char*)ahash);
if (ipfs_cid_new(ver, ahash, lenhash, CID_PROTOBUF, &(*node_link)->cid) == 0) {
return 0;
return 1;
/* Free_Link
* @param L: Free the link you have allocated.
/* ipfs_node_link_free
* @param node_link: Free the link you have allocated.
void Free_Link(struct Link * L)
int ipfs_node_link_free(struct NodeLink * node_link)
if (node_link != NULL)
return 1;
int ipfs_node_link_protobuf_encode_size(struct NodeLink* link) {
if (link == NULL)
return 0;
size_t size = 0;
size += 11 + strlen(link->name);
size += ipfs_cid_protobuf_encode_size(link->cid);
return size;
int ipfs_node_link_protobuf_encode(struct NodeLink* link, unsigned char* buffer, size_t max_buffer_length, size_t* bytes_written) {
size_t bytes_used = 0;
int retVal = 0;
*bytes_written = 0;
retVal = protobuf_encode_length_delimited(1, ipfs_node_link_message_fields[0], link->name, strlen(link->name), &buffer[*bytes_written], max_buffer_length - *bytes_written, &bytes_used);
*bytes_written += bytes_used;
// cid
size_t cid_size = ipfs_cid_protobuf_encode_size(link->cid);
unsigned char cid_buffer[cid_size];
retVal = ipfs_cid_protobuf_encode(link->cid, cid_buffer, cid_size, &bytes_used);
retVal = protobuf_encode_length_delimited(2, ipfs_node_link_message_fields[1], cid_buffer, bytes_used, &buffer[*bytes_written], max_buffer_length - *bytes_written, &bytes_used);
*bytes_written += bytes_used;
return 1;
int ipfs_node_link_protobuf_decode(unsigned char* buffer, size_t buffer_length, struct NodeLink** link, size_t* bytes_read) {
size_t pos = 0;
int retVal = 0;
*link = (struct NodeLink*)malloc(sizeof(struct NodeLink));
(*link)->cid = NULL;
(*link)->name = NULL;
unsigned char* temp_buffer = NULL;
size_t temp_size;
if (*link == NULL)
goto exit;
while(pos < buffer_length) {
size_t bytes_read = 0;
int field_no;
enum WireType field_type;
if (protobuf_decode_field_and_type(&buffer[pos], buffer_length, &field_no, &field_type, &bytes_read) == 0) {
goto exit;
pos += bytes_read;
switch(field_no) {
case (1):
if (protobuf_decode_string(&buffer[pos], buffer_length - pos, &((*link)->name), &bytes_read) == 0)
goto exit;
pos += bytes_read;
case (2):
if (protobuf_decode_length_delimited(&buffer[pos], buffer_length - pos, (char**)&temp_buffer, &temp_size, &bytes_read) == 0)
goto exit;
ipfs_cid_protobuf_decode(temp_buffer, temp_size, &((*link)->cid));
pos += bytes_read;
temp_buffer = NULL;
retVal = 1;
if (retVal == 0) {
if (link != NULL)
if (temp_buffer != NULL)
return retVal;
* return an approximate size of the encoded node
size_t ipfs_node_protobuf_encode_size(struct Node* node) {
size_t size = 0;
// data
size += 11 + node->data_size;
// encoded
size += 11;
if (node->encoded != NULL)
size += strlen((const char*)node->encoded);
// cid (a.k.a. cached)
size += 11 + ipfs_cid_protobuf_encode_size(node->cached);
// links
size += 11;
for(int i = 0; i < node->link_amount; i++) {
size += 11 + strlen(node->links[i]->name) + ipfs_cid_protobuf_encode_size(node->links[i]->cid);
return size;
* Encode a node into a protobuf byte stream
* @param node the node to encode
* @param buffer where to put it
* @param max_buffer_length the length of buffer
* @param bytes_written how much of buffer was used
* @returns true(1) on success
int ipfs_node_protobuf_encode(struct Node* node, unsigned char* buffer, size_t max_buffer_length, size_t* bytes_written) {
// data & data_size
size_t bytes_used = 0;
*bytes_written = 0;
int retVal = 0;
retVal = protobuf_encode_length_delimited(1, ipfs_node_message_fields[0], node->data, node->data_size, &buffer[*bytes_written], max_buffer_length - *bytes_written, &bytes_used);
*bytes_written += bytes_used;
int sz = 0;
if (node->encoded != NULL)
sz = strlen(node->encoded);
retVal = protobuf_encode_length_delimited(2, ipfs_node_message_fields[1], node->encoded, sz, &buffer[*bytes_written], max_buffer_length - *bytes_written, &bytes_used);
*bytes_written += bytes_used;
// cid
size_t cid_size = ipfs_cid_protobuf_encode_size(node->cached);
unsigned char cid[cid_size];
retVal = ipfs_cid_protobuf_encode(node->cached, cid, cid_size, &cid_size);
retVal = protobuf_encode_length_delimited(3, ipfs_node_message_fields[2], cid, cid_size, &buffer[*bytes_written], max_buffer_length - *bytes_written, &bytes_used);
*bytes_written += bytes_used;
// links
for(int i = 0; i < node->link_amount; i++) {
// size + name + cid
size_t link_buffer_size = 11 + ipfs_node_link_protobuf_encode_size(node->links[i]);
unsigned char link_buffer[link_buffer_size];
retVal = ipfs_node_link_protobuf_encode(node->links[i], link_buffer, link_buffer_size, &link_buffer_size);
protobuf_encode_length_delimited(4, ipfs_node_message_fields[3], link_buffer, link_buffer_size, &buffer[*bytes_written], max_buffer_length - *bytes_written, &bytes_used);
*bytes_written += bytes_used;
return 1;
* Decode a stream of bytes into a Node structure
* @param buffer where to get the bytes from
* @param buffer_length the length of buffer
* @param node pointer to the Node to be created
* @returns true(1) on success
int ipfs_node_protobuf_decode(unsigned char* buffer, size_t buffer_length, struct Node** node) {
* Field 0: data
* Field 1: encoded
* Field 3: cid
* Field 4: links array
size_t pos = 0;
int retVal = 0;
unsigned char* temp_buffer = NULL;
size_t temp_size;
struct NodeLink* temp_link = NULL;
if (ipfs_node_new(node) == 0)
goto exit;
while(pos < buffer_length) {
size_t bytes_read = 0;
int field_no;
enum WireType field_type;
if (protobuf_decode_field_and_type(&buffer[pos], buffer_length, &field_no, &field_type, &bytes_read) == 0) {
goto exit;
pos += bytes_read;
switch(field_no) {
case (1): // data
if (protobuf_decode_length_delimited(&buffer[pos], buffer_length - pos, (char**)&((*node)->data), &((*node)->data_size), &bytes_read) == 0)
goto exit;
pos += bytes_read;
case (2): // encoded
if (protobuf_decode_length_delimited(&buffer[pos], buffer_length - pos, (char**)&((*node)->encoded), &temp_size, &bytes_read) == 0)
goto exit;
pos += bytes_read;
case (3): // cid
if (protobuf_decode_length_delimited(&buffer[pos], buffer_length - pos, (char**)&temp_buffer, &temp_size, &bytes_read) == 0)
goto exit;
pos += bytes_read;
if (ipfs_cid_protobuf_decode(temp_buffer, temp_size, &((*node)->cached)) == 0)
goto exit;
temp_buffer = NULL;
case (4): // links
if (protobuf_decode_length_delimited(&buffer[pos], buffer_length - pos, (char**)&temp_buffer, &temp_size, &bytes_read) == 0)
goto exit;
pos += bytes_read;
if (ipfs_node_link_protobuf_decode(temp_buffer, temp_size, &temp_link, &bytes_read) == 0)
goto exit;
temp_buffer = NULL;
*node = ipfs_node_add_link(node, temp_link, sizeof(temp_link));
temp_link = NULL;
retVal = 1;
if (retVal == 0) {
if (temp_link != NULL)
if (temp_buffer != NULL)
return retVal;
* Node Functions
* Creates an empty node, allocates the required memory
* Returns a fresh new node with no data set in it.
struct Node * Create_Empty_Node()
int ipfs_node_new(struct Node** node)
struct Node * N;
N = (struct Node *)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
N->cached = NULL;
N->data = NULL;
N->encoded = NULL;
N->link_amount = 0;
return N;
*node = (struct Node *)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
if (*node == NULL)
return 0;
(*node)->cached = NULL;
(*node)->data = NULL;
(*node)->encoded = NULL;
(*node)->link_amount = 0;
return 1;
* Set the cached struct element
* @param N the node to be modified
* @param TheCid the Cid to be copied into the Node->cached element
* @param node the node to be modified
* @param cid the Cid to be copied into the Node->cached element
* @returns true(1) on success
int Node_Set_Cached(struct Node * N, struct Cid * TheCid)
int ipfs_node_set_cached(struct Node* node, struct Cid* cid)
if (N->cached != NULL)
return ipfs_cid_new(TheCid->version, TheCid->hash, TheCid->hash_length, TheCid->codec, &(N->cached));
if (node->cached != NULL)
return ipfs_cid_new(cid->version, cid->hash, cid->hash_length, cid->codec, &(node->cached));
* Sets the data of a node
* @param Node: The node which you want to set data in.
* @param Data, the data you want to assign to the node
* Sets pointers of encoded & cached to NULL /following go method
* returns 1 on success 0 on failure
int Node_Set_Data(struct Node * N, unsigned char * Data, size_t data_size)
int ipfs_node_set_data(struct Node * N, unsigned char * Data, size_t data_size)
if(!N || !Data)
@ -94,12 +320,12 @@ int Node_Set_Data(struct Node * N, unsigned char * Data, size_t data_size)
return 1;
* @param NODE: the node you wish to alter (struct Node *)
* @param Data: The data you wish to set in encoded.(unsigned char *)
* returns 1 on success 0 on failure
int Node_Set_Encoded(struct Node * N, unsigned char * Data)
int ipfs_node_set_encoded(struct Node * N, unsigned char * Data)
if(!N || !Data)
@ -111,43 +337,43 @@ int Node_Set_Encoded(struct Node * N, unsigned char * Data)
//N->data = NULL;
return 1;
* Gets data from a node
* @param Node: = The node you want to get data from. (unsigned char *)
* Returns data of node.
unsigned char * Node_Get_Data(struct Node * N)
unsigned char * ipfs_node_get_data(struct Node * N)
unsigned char * DATA;
DATA = N->data;
return DATA;
/*Node_Copy: Returns a copy of the node you input
/*ipfs_node_copy: Returns a copy of the node you input
* @param Node: The node you want to copy (struct CP_Node *)
* Returns a copy of the node you wanted to copy.
struct Node * Node_Copy(struct Node * CP_Node)
struct Node * ipfs_node_copy(struct Node * CP_Node)
struct Node * CN;
CN = (struct Node*) malloc(sizeof(struct Node) + sizeof(struct Link) * 2);
CN = (struct Node*) malloc(sizeof(struct Node) + sizeof(struct NodeLink) * 2);
if(CP_Node->link_amount != 0)
for(int i=0; i<CP_Node->link_amount; i++)
CN->links[i] = malloc(sizeof(struct Link));
CN->links[i] = malloc(sizeof(struct NodeLink));
memcpy(CN, CP_Node, sizeof(struct Node));
memcpy(CN->links[0],CP_Node->links[0], sizeof(struct Link));
memcpy(CN->links[0],CP_Node->links[0], sizeof(struct NodeLink));
return CN;
* Once you are finished using a node, always delete it using this.
* It will take care of the links inside it.
* @param N: the node you want to free. (struct Node *)
void Node_Delete(struct Node * N)
void ipfs_node_free(struct Node * N)
@ -168,35 +394,35 @@ void Node_Delete(struct Node * N)
* Returns a copy of the link with given name
* @param Name: (char * name) searches for link with this name
* Returns the link struct if it's found otherwise returns NULL
struct Link * Node_Get_Link(struct Node * N, char * Name)
struct NodeLink * ipfs_node_get_link_by_name(struct Node * N, char * Name)
struct Link * L;
struct NodeLink * L;
for(int i=0;i<N->link_amount;i++)
if(strcmp(N->links[i]->name,Name) == 0)
L = (struct Link *)malloc(sizeof(struct Link));
memcpy(L,N->links[i],sizeof(struct Link));
int ver = L->Lcid->version;
unsigned char * ahash = L->Lcid->hash;
size_t lenhash = L->Lcid->hash_length;
ipfs_cid_new(ver, ahash, lenhash, CID_PROTOBUF, &L->Lcid);
L = (struct NodeLink *)malloc(sizeof(struct NodeLink));
memcpy(L,N->links[i],sizeof(struct NodeLink));
int ver = L->cid->version;
unsigned char * ahash = L->cid->hash;
size_t lenhash = L->cid->hash_length;
ipfs_cid_new(ver, ahash, lenhash, CID_PROTOBUF, &L->cid);
return L;
return NULL;
* Removes a link from node if found by name.
* @param name: Name of link (char * name)
* returns 1 on success, 0 on failure.
int Node_Remove_Link(char * Name, struct Node * mynode)
int ipfs_node_remove_link_by_name(char * Name, struct Node * mynode)
for(int i=0; i<mynode->link_amount; i++)
@ -204,7 +430,7 @@ int Node_Remove_Link(char * Name, struct Node * mynode)
for(int x=i;x<mynode->link_amount && x+1 != mynode->link_amount;i++)
memcpy(mynode->links[x],mynode->links[x+1],sizeof(struct Link));
memcpy(mynode->links[x],mynode->links[x+1],sizeof(struct NodeLink));
@ -213,14 +439,14 @@ int Node_Remove_Link(char * Name, struct Node * mynode)
return 0;
/* N_Add_Link
/* ipfs_node_add_link
* Adds a link to your nodse
* @param mynode: &yournode
* @param mylink: the CID you want to create a node from
* @param linksz: sizeof(your cid here)
* Returns your node with the newly added link
struct Node * N_Add_Link(struct Node ** mynode, struct Link * mylink, size_t linksz)
struct Node * ipfs_node_add_link(struct Node ** mynode, struct NodeLink * mylink, size_t linksz)
struct Node * Nl = *mynode;
@ -238,64 +464,69 @@ struct Node * N_Add_Link(struct Node ** mynode, struct Link * mylink, size_t lin
Nl = (struct Node *) malloc(sizeof(struct Node) + linksz);
Nl->links[Nl->link_amount-1] = malloc(sizeof(struct Link));
memcpy(Nl->links[Nl->link_amount-1],mylink,sizeof(struct Link));
Nl->links[Nl->link_amount-1] = malloc(sizeof(struct NodeLink));
memcpy(Nl->links[Nl->link_amount-1],mylink,sizeof(struct NodeLink));
return Nl;
* Create a node from a link
* @param mylink: the link you want to create it from. (struct Cid *)
* @param linksize: sizeof(the link in mylink) (size_T)
* Returns a fresh new node with the link you specified. Has to be freed with Node_Free preferably.
struct Node * N_Create_From_Link(struct Link * mylink)
int ipfs_node_new_from_link(struct NodeLink * mylink, struct Node** node)
struct Node * mynode;
mynode = (struct Node *) malloc(sizeof(struct Node) + sizeof(struct Link));
mynode->link_amount = 1;
mynode->links[0] = malloc(sizeof(struct Link));
memcpy(mynode->links[0], mylink, sizeof(struct Link));
mynode->cached = NULL;
mynode->data = NULL;
mynode->encoded = NULL;
return mynode;
*node = (struct Node *) malloc(sizeof(struct Node) + sizeof(struct NodeLink));
if (*node == NULL)
return 0;
(*node)->link_amount = 1;
(*node)->links[0] = malloc(sizeof(struct NodeLink));
if ((*node)->links[0] == NULL) {
return 0;
memcpy((*node)->links[0], mylink, sizeof(struct NodeLink));
(*node)->cached = NULL;
(*node)->data = NULL;
(*node)->encoded = NULL;
return 1;
* create a new Node struct with data
* @param data: bytes buffer you want to create the node from
* @param data_size the size of the data buffer
* @param node a pointer to the node to be created
* returns a node with the data you inputted.
struct Node * N_Create_From_Data(unsigned char * data, size_t data_size)
int ipfs_node_new_from_data(unsigned char * data, size_t data_size, struct Node** node)
struct Node * mynode;
mynode = (struct Node *) malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
Node_Set_Data(mynode, data, data_size);
mynode->encoded = NULL;
mynode->cached = NULL;
return mynode;
if (ipfs_node_new(node) == 0)
return 0;
return ipfs_node_set_data(*node, data, data_size);
return NULL;
return 0;
* @param data: encoded bytes buffer you want to create the node from
* returns a node with the encoded data you inputted.
* create a Node struct from encoded data
* @param data: encoded bytes buffer you want to create the node from. Note: this copies the pointer, not a memcpy
* @param node a pointer to the node that will be created
* @returns true(1) on success
struct Node * N_Create_From_Encoded(unsigned char * data)
int ipfs_node_new_from_encoded(unsigned char * data, struct Node** node)
struct Node * mynode;
mynode = (struct Node *) malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
mynode->encoded = data;
mynode->link_amount = 0;
mynode->data = NULL;
mynode->cached = NULL;
return mynode;
if (ipfs_node_new(node) == 0)
return 0;
(*node)->encoded = data;
return 1;
return NULL;
return 0;
* !!!This shouldn't concern you!
@ -364,18 +595,18 @@ struct Link_Proc * Node_Resolve_Links(struct Node * N, char * path)
return NULL;
int expected_link_ammount = Node_Resolve_Max_Size(path);
struct Link_Proc * LProc = (struct Link_Proc *) malloc(sizeof(struct Link_Proc) + sizeof(struct Link) * expected_link_ammount);
struct Link_Proc * LProc = (struct Link_Proc *) malloc(sizeof(struct Link_Proc) + sizeof(struct NodeLink) * expected_link_ammount);
LProc->ammount = 0;
char * linknames[expected_link_ammount];
Node_Resolve(linknames, path);
for(int i=0;i<expected_link_ammount; i++)
struct Link * proclink;
proclink = Node_Get_Link(N, linknames[i]);
struct NodeLink * proclink;
proclink = ipfs_node_get_link_by_name(N, linknames[i]);
LProc->links[i] = (struct Link *)malloc(sizeof(struct Link));
memcpy(LProc->links[i], proclink, sizeof(struct Link));
LProc->links[i] = (struct NodeLink *)malloc(sizeof(struct NodeLink));
memcpy(LProc->links[i], proclink, sizeof(struct NodeLink));
@ -397,7 +628,7 @@ void Free_Link_Proc(struct Link_Proc * LPRC)
for(int i=0;i<LPRC->ammount;i++)

View file

@ -40,11 +40,12 @@ int test_merkledag_get_data() {
// create a node
struct Node* node1 = N_Create_From_Data(binary_data, binary_data_size);
struct Node* node1;
retVal = ipfs_node_new_from_data(binary_data, binary_data_size, &node1);
retVal = ipfs_merkledag_add(node1, fs_repo);
if (retVal == 0) {
return 0;
@ -53,15 +54,15 @@ int test_merkledag_get_data() {
struct Node* results_node;
retVal = ipfs_merkledag_get(node1->cached, &results_node, fs_repo);
if (retVal == 0) {
return 0;
if (results_node->data_size != 256) {
return 0;
@ -69,15 +70,15 @@ int test_merkledag_get_data() {
// the data should be the same
for(int i = 0; i < results_node->data_size; i++) {
if (results_node->data[i] != node1->data[i]) {
return 0;
return retVal;
@ -86,7 +87,7 @@ int test_merkledag_get_data() {
int test_merkledag_add_data() {
int retVal = 0;
struct FSRepo* fs_repo = createAndOpenRepo("/tmp.ipfs");
struct FSRepo* fs_repo = createAndOpenRepo("/tmp/.ipfs");
if (fs_repo == NULL)
return 0;
@ -101,11 +102,12 @@ int test_merkledag_add_data() {
// create a node
struct Node* node1 = N_Create_From_Data(binary_data, binary_data_size);
struct Node* node1;
retVal = ipfs_node_new_from_data(binary_data, binary_data_size, &node1);
retVal = ipfs_merkledag_add(node1, fs_repo);
if (retVal == 0) {
return 0;
@ -115,30 +117,31 @@ int test_merkledag_add_data() {
int first_add_size = os_utils_file_size("/tmp/.ipfs/datastore/data.mdb");
if (first_add_size == start_file_size) { // uh oh, database should have increased in size
return 0;
// adding the same binary again should do nothing (the hash should be the same)
struct Node* node2 = N_Create_From_Data(binary_data, binary_data_size);
struct Node* node2;
retVal = ipfs_node_new_from_data(binary_data, binary_data_size, &node2);
retVal = ipfs_merkledag_add(node2, fs_repo);
if (retVal == 0) {
return 0;
// make sure everything is correct
if (node2->cached == NULL) {
return 0;
for(int i = 0; i < node1->cached->hash_length; i++) {
if (node1->cached->hash[i] != node2->cached->hash[i]) {
printf("hash of node1 does not match node2 at position %d\n", i);
return 0;
@ -146,35 +149,36 @@ int test_merkledag_add_data() {
int second_add_size = os_utils_file_size("/tmp/.ipfs/datastore/data.mdb");
if (first_add_size != second_add_size) { // uh oh, the database shouldn't have changed size
printf("looks as if a new record was added when it shouldn't have. Old file size: %d, new file size: %d\n", first_add_size, second_add_size);
return 0;
// now change 1 byte, which should change the hash
binary_data[10] = 0;
// create a node
struct Node* node3 = N_Create_From_Data(binary_data, binary_data_size);
struct Node* node3;
retVal = ipfs_node_new_from_data(binary_data, binary_data_size, &node3);
retVal = ipfs_merkledag_add(node3, fs_repo);
if (retVal == 0) {
return 0;
// make sure everything is correct
if (node3->cached == NULL) {
return 0;
int third_add_size = os_utils_file_size("/tmp/.ipfs/datastore/data.mdb");
if (third_add_size == second_add_size || third_add_size < second_add_size) {// uh oh, it didn't add it
printf("Node 3 should have been added, but the file size did not change from %d.\n", third_add_size);
@ -201,46 +205,47 @@ int test_merkledag_add_node_with_links() {
// make link
link = Create_Link("", "abc123");
node1 = N_Create_From_Link(link);
retVal = ipfs_node_link_new("", "abc123", &link);
retVal = ipfs_node_new_from_link(link, &node1);
retVal = ipfs_merkledag_add(node1, fs_repo);
if (retVal == 0) {
printf("Unable to add node\n");
return 0;
// now look for it
struct Node* node2 = NULL;
retVal = ipfs_merkledag_get(node1->cached, &node2, fs_repo);
if (retVal == 0) {
return 0;
if (node2->link_amount != node1->link_amount) {
printf("Link amount %d does not match %d\n", node2->link_amount, node1->link_amount);
printf("Link number do not match. Should be %d and are %d\n", node1->link_amount, node2->link_amount);
return 0;
// make sure hashes match
for(int i = 0; i < node1->links[0]->Lcid->hash_length; i++) {
if(node1->links[0]->Lcid->hash[i] != node2->links[0]->Lcid->hash[i]) {
for(int i = 0; i < node1->links[0]->cid->hash_length; i++) {
if(node1->links[0]->cid->hash[i] != node2->links[0]->cid->hash[i]) {
printf("Hashes do not match\n");
return 0;
return 1;

View file

@ -4,39 +4,173 @@ int test_node() {
//Variables of link:
char * name = "Alex";
unsigned char * ahash = "QmYwAPJzv5CZsnA625s3Xf2nemtYgPpHdWEz79ojWnPbdG";
struct Link * mylink;
mylink = Create_Link(name,ahash);
struct NodeLink * mylink;
int retVal = ipfs_node_link_new(name,ahash, &mylink);
printf("===================================\n" \
"Node Link:\n" \
" -Name: %s\n" \
" -Size: %lu\n" \
"\n Cid Details:\n\n" \
" -Version: %d\n" \
" -Codec: %c\n" \
" -Hash: %s\n" \
" -Hash Length: %lu\n" \
"====================================\n" \
, mylink->name, mylink->size, mylink->Lcid->version,mylink->Lcid->codec,mylink->Lcid->hash,mylink->Lcid->hash_length);
, mylink->name, mylink->cid->version,mylink->cid->codec,mylink->cid->hash,mylink->cid->hash_length);
//Link Two for testing purposes
char * name2 = "Simo";
unsigned char * ahash2 = "QmYwAPJzv5CZsnA625s3Xf2nemtYgPpHdWEz79ojWnSimo";
struct Link * mylink2;
mylink2 = Create_Link(name2,ahash2);
struct NodeLink * mylink2;
retVal = ipfs_node_link_new(name2, ahash2, &mylink2);
struct Node * Mynode;
Mynode = N_Create_From_Link(mylink);
retVal = ipfs_node_new_from_link(mylink, &Mynode);
mylink->name = "HAHA";//Testing for valid node creation
printf("Node Link[0] Name: %s\nHash: %s\n",Mynode->links[0]->name, Mynode->links[0]->Lcid->hash);
Mynode = N_Add_Link(&Mynode, mylink2, sizeof(mylink2));
printf("Node Link[0] Name: %s\nHash: %s\n",Mynode->links[0]->name, Mynode->links[0]->cid->hash);
Mynode = ipfs_node_add_link(&Mynode, mylink2, sizeof(mylink2));
mylink2->name = "HAHA";//Testing for valid node creation
printf("Node Link[1] Name: %s\nHash: %s\n",Mynode->links[1]->name,Mynode->links[1]->Lcid->hash);
struct Link * ResultLink = Node_Get_Link(Mynode, "Simo");
printf("\nResultLink: \nName: %s\nHash: %s\n", ResultLink->name, ResultLink->Lcid->hash);
Node_Remove_Link("Simo", Mynode);
printf("Node Link[1] Name: %s\nHash: %s\n",Mynode->links[1]->name,Mynode->links[1]->cid->hash);
struct NodeLink * ResultLink = ipfs_node_get_link_by_name(Mynode, "Simo");
printf("\nResultLink: \nName: %s\nHash: %s\n", ResultLink->name, ResultLink->cid->hash);
ipfs_node_remove_link_by_name("Simo", Mynode);
printf("Outlinkamt: %d\n", Mynode->link_amount);
return 1;
int compare_link(struct NodeLink* link1, struct NodeLink* link2) {
if (strcmp(link1->name, link2->name) != 0) {
printf("Link Names are different %s vs. %s\n", link1->name, link2->name);
return 0;
if (link1->cid->codec != link2->cid->codec) {
printf("Link cid codecs are different. Expected %02x but got %02x\n", link1->cid->codec, link2->cid->codec);
return 0;
if (link1->cid->hash_length != link2->cid->hash_length) {
printf("Link cid hash lengths are different. Expected %d but got %d\n", link1->cid->hash_length, link2->cid->hash_length);
return 0;
if (link1->cid->version != link2->cid->version) {
printf("Link cid versions are different. Expected %d but got %d\n", link1->cid->version, link2->cid->version);
return 0;
if (memcmp(link1->cid->hash, link2->cid->hash, link1->cid->hash_length) != 0) {
printf("compare_link: The values of the hashes are different\n");
return 0;
return 1;
int test_node_link_encode_decode() {
struct NodeLink* control = NULL;
struct NodeLink* results = NULL;
size_t nl_size;
unsigned char* buffer = NULL;
int retVal = 0;
// make a NodeLink
if (ipfs_node_link_new("My Name", "QmMyHash", &control) == 0)
goto exit;
// encode it
nl_size = ipfs_node_link_protobuf_encode_size(control);
buffer = malloc(nl_size);
if (buffer == NULL)
goto exit;
if (ipfs_node_link_protobuf_encode(control, buffer, nl_size, &nl_size) == 0) {
goto exit;
// decode it
if (ipfs_node_link_protobuf_decode(buffer, nl_size, &results) == 0) {
goto exit;
// verify it
if (compare_link(control, results) == 0)
goto exit;
retVal = 1;
if (control != NULL)
if (results != NULL)
return retVal;
* Test a node with 2 links
int test_node_encode_decode() {
struct Node* control = NULL;
struct Node* results = NULL;
struct NodeLink* link1 = NULL;
struct NodeLink* link2 = NULL;
int retVal = 0;
size_t buffer_length = 0;
unsigned char* buffer = NULL;
// node
if (ipfs_node_new(&control) == 0)