2017-07-24 17:58:39 -05:00
#pragma once
* This is a list of requests from a peer (including locally).
* NOTE: This tracks who wants what. If 2 peers want the same file,
* there will be 1 WantListEntry in the WantList. There will be 2 entries in
* WantListEntry.sessionsRequesting.
#include <pthread.h>
#include "ipfs/cid/cid.h"
#include "ipfs/blocks/block.h"
2017-07-27 08:38:57 -05:00
#include "ipfs/exchange/bitswap/bitswap.h"
2017-07-24 17:58:39 -05:00
struct WantListSession {
enum WantListSessionType type;
2017-07-31 17:59:51 -05:00
void* context; // either an IpfsNode (local) or a Libp2pPeer (remote)
2017-07-24 17:58:39 -05:00
struct WantListQueueEntry {
struct Cid* cid;
int priority;
// a vector of WantListSessions
struct Libp2pVector* sessionsRequesting;
struct Block* block;
2017-08-02 11:43:48 -05:00
int asked_network;
2017-07-27 08:38:57 -05:00
int attempts;
2017-07-24 17:58:39 -05:00
struct WantListQueue {
pthread_mutex_t wantlist_mutex;
// a vector of WantListEntries
struct Libp2pVector* queue;
* Initialize a WantListQueueEntry
* @returns a new WantListQueueEntry
struct WantListQueueEntry* ipfs_bitswap_wantlist_queue_entry_new();
* Remove resources, freeing a WantListQueueEntry
* @param entry the WantListQueueEntry
* @returns true(1)
int ipfs_bitswap_wantlist_queue_entry_free(struct WantListQueueEntry* entry);
* Initialize a new Wantlist (there should only be 1 per instance)
* @returns a new WantList
struct WantListQueue* ipfs_bitswap_wantlist_queue_new();
* Deallocate resources of a WantList
* @param wantlist the WantList
* @returns true(1)
int ipfs_bitswap_wantlist_queue_free(struct WantListQueue* wantlist);
* Add a Cid to the WantList
* @param wantlist the WantList to add to
* @param cid the Cid to add
* @returns the correct WantListEntry or NULL if error
2017-07-26 07:38:47 -05:00
struct WantListQueueEntry* ipfs_bitswap_wantlist_queue_add(struct WantListQueue* wantlist, const struct Cid* cid, const struct WantListSession* session);
2017-07-24 17:58:39 -05:00
* Remove (decrement the counter) a Cid from the WantList
* @param wantlist the WantList
* @param cid the Cid
* @returns true(1) on success, otherwise false(0)
2017-07-26 07:38:47 -05:00
int ipfs_bitswap_wantlist_queue_remove(struct WantListQueue* wantlist, const struct Cid* cid, const struct WantListSession* session);
2017-07-24 17:58:39 -05:00
* Find a Cid in the WantList
* @param wantlist the list
* @param cid the Cid
* @returns the WantListQueueEntry
struct WantListQueueEntry* ipfs_bitswap_wantlist_queue_find(struct WantListQueue* wantlist, const struct Cid* cid);
2017-07-26 07:38:47 -05:00
* compare 2 sessions for equality
* @param a side a
* @param b side b
* @returns 0 if equal, <0 if A wins, >0 if b wins
int ipfs_bitswap_wantlist_session_compare(const struct WantListSession* a, const struct WantListSession* b);
2017-07-24 17:58:39 -05:00
2017-08-31 06:41:54 -05:00
* Create a new WantListSession
* @returns the newly allocated WantListSession
struct WantListSession* ipfs_bitswap_wantlist_session_new();
2017-07-27 08:38:57 -05:00
* Called by the Bitswap engine, this processes an item on the WantListQueue
* @param context the context
* @param entry the WantListQueueEntry
* @returns true(1) on success, false(0) if not.
int ipfs_bitswap_wantlist_process_entry(struct BitswapContext* context, struct WantListQueueEntry* entry);
2017-07-27 12:05:41 -05:00
* Pops the top one off the queue
* @param wantlist the list
* @returns the WantListQueueEntry
struct WantListQueueEntry* ipfs_bitswap_wantlist_queue_pop(struct WantListQueue* wantlist);