
271 lines
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#include <stdlib.h>
#include "../test_helper.h"
#include "ipfs/routing/routing.h"
#include "ipfs/repo/fsrepo/fs_repo.h"
2017-03-19 14:40:16 -05:00
#include "libp2p/net/multistream.h"
#include "libp2p/nodeio/nodeio.h"
#include "libp2p/utils/vector.h"
#include "libp2p/utils/linked_list.h"
#include "libp2p/peer/peerstore.h"
#include "libp2p/peer/providerstore.h"
#include "libp2p/crypto/encoding/base58.h"
void stop_kademlia(void);
int test_routing_supernode_start() {
2017-04-27 15:52:20 -05:00
/* not working with supernode for now
int retVal = 0;
struct FSRepo* fs_repo = NULL;
struct IpfsNode* ipfs_node = NULL;
struct Stream* stream = NULL;
if (!drop_build_and_open_repo("/tmp/.ipfs", &fs_repo))
goto exit;
ipfs_node = (struct IpfsNode*)malloc(sizeof(struct IpfsNode));
ipfs_node->mode = MODE_ONLINE;
ipfs_node->identity = fs_repo->config->identity;
ipfs_node->repo = fs_repo;
ipfs_node->routing = ipfs_routing_new_kademlia(ipfs_node, &fs_repo->config->identity->private_key, stream);
if (ipfs_node->routing == NULL)
goto exit;
//TODO ping kademlia
retVal = 1;
2017-04-27 11:35:26 -05:00
if (ipfs_node != NULL) {
if (ipfs_node->routing != NULL)
2017-04-27 15:52:20 -05:00
return retVal;
2017-04-27 15:52:20 -05:00
return 1;
2017-03-19 14:40:16 -05:00
void* start_daemon(void* path) {
char* repo_path = (char*)path;
return NULL;
int test_routing_supernode_get_remote_value() {
// a remote machine has a file. Let's see if we can get it.
2017-03-24 14:29:00 -05:00
// the key is QmYAXgX8ARiriupMQsbGXtKdDyGzWry1YV3sycKw1qqmgH, which is the test_file.txt
int retVal = 0;
struct FSRepo* fs_repo = NULL;
struct IpfsNode* ipfs_node = NULL;
struct Libp2pPeer this_peer;
2017-03-24 14:29:00 -05:00
const unsigned char* orig_multihash = (unsigned char*)"QmYAXgX8ARiriupMQsbGXtKdDyGzWry1YV3sycKw1qqmgH";
size_t hash_size = 100;
unsigned char hash[hash_size];
unsigned char* hash_ptr = &hash[0];
struct Libp2pVector* multiaddresses = NULL;
struct MultiAddress* addr = NULL;
char* ip = NULL;
struct SessionContext context;
unsigned char* results = NULL;
size_t results_size = 0;
struct HashtableNode* node;
// unencode the base58
if (!libp2p_crypto_encoding_base58_decode(orig_multihash, strlen((char*)orig_multihash), &hash_ptr, &hash_size))
goto exit;
// fire things up
if (!drop_build_and_open_repo("/tmp/.ipfs", &fs_repo))
goto exit;
ipfs_node = (struct IpfsNode*)malloc(sizeof(struct IpfsNode));
ipfs_node->mode = MODE_ONLINE;
ipfs_node->identity = fs_repo->config->identity;
ipfs_node->repo = fs_repo;
2017-07-31 12:50:12 -05:00
ipfs_node->providerstore = libp2p_providerstore_new(fs_repo->config->datastore, fs_repo->config->identity->peer);
ipfs_node->peerstore = libp2p_peerstore_new(ipfs_node->identity->peer);
// add the local peer to the peerstore
2017-07-31 12:50:12 -05:00
this_peer.id = fs_repo->config->identity->peer->id;
this_peer.id_size = fs_repo->config->identity->peer->id_size;
this_peer.addr_head = libp2p_utils_linked_list_new();
this_peer.addr_head->item = multiaddress_new_from_string("/ip4/");
libp2p_peerstore_add_peer(ipfs_node->peerstore, &this_peer);
2017-03-24 14:29:00 -05:00
// set a different port for the dht/kademlia stuff
strcpy(ipfs_node->repo->config->addresses->api, "/ip4/");
// add bootstrap peer for kademlia
struct MultiAddress* remote = multiaddress_new_from_string("/ip4/");
libp2p_utils_vector_add(ipfs_node->repo->config->bootstrap_peers, remote);
2017-07-27 12:05:41 -05:00
ipfs_node->routing = ipfs_routing_new_kademlia(ipfs_node, &fs_repo->config->identity->private_key);
2017-03-24 14:29:00 -05:00
if (ipfs_node->routing == NULL)
goto exit;
// ask the network who can provide this
if (!ipfs_node->routing->FindProviders(ipfs_node->routing, hash, hash_size, &multiaddresses))
goto exit;
// get the file
for(int i = 0; i < multiaddresses->total; i++) {
addr = (struct MultiAddress*) libp2p_utils_vector_get(multiaddresses, i);
if (multiaddress_is_ip4(addr)) {
addr = NULL;
if (addr == NULL)
goto exit;
// Connect to server
multiaddress_get_ip_address(addr, &ip);
struct Stream* file_stream = libp2p_net_multistream_connect(ip, multiaddress_get_ip_port(addr));
if (file_stream == NULL)
goto exit;
context.insecure_stream = file_stream;
context.default_stream = file_stream;
// Switch from multistream to NodeIO
if (!libp2p_nodeio_upgrade_stream(&context))
goto exit;
// Ask for file
if (!libp2p_nodeio_get(&context, hash, hash_size, &results, &results_size))
goto exit;
if (!ipfs_hashtable_node_protobuf_decode(results, results_size, &node))
goto exit;
//we got it
if (node->data_size < 100)
goto exit;
// make sure we got what we should have gotten
// clean up
retVal = 1;
if (fs_repo != NULL)
if (ipfs_node != NULL)
2017-05-11 13:53:52 -05:00
if (multiaddresses != NULL)
return retVal;
int test_routing_supernode_get_value() {
int retVal = 0;
struct FSRepo* fs_repo = NULL;
struct IpfsNode* ipfs_node = NULL;
int file_size = 1000;
unsigned char bytes[file_size];
char* fullFileName = "/tmp/temp_file.bin";
struct HashtableNode* write_node = NULL;
size_t bytes_written = 0;
2017-07-17 16:14:40 -05:00
struct Libp2pVector* multiaddresses = NULL;
2017-03-19 14:40:16 -05:00
unsigned char* results;
size_t results_size = 0;
struct HashtableNode* node = NULL;
2017-03-19 14:40:16 -05:00
char* ip = NULL;
2017-04-27 15:52:20 -05:00
pthread_t thread;
int thread_started = 0;
2017-07-17 16:14:40 -05:00
struct MultiAddress* addr = NULL;
if (!drop_build_and_open_repo("/tmp/.ipfs", &fs_repo))
goto exit;
2017-03-19 14:40:16 -05:00
// start daemon
pthread_create(&thread, NULL, start_daemon, (void*)"/tmp/.ipfs");
2017-04-27 15:52:20 -05:00
thread_started = 1;
2017-03-19 14:40:16 -05:00
ipfs_node = (struct IpfsNode*)malloc(sizeof(struct IpfsNode));
ipfs_node->mode = MODE_ONLINE;
ipfs_node->identity = fs_repo->config->identity;
ipfs_node->repo = fs_repo;
2017-07-31 12:50:12 -05:00
ipfs_node->providerstore = libp2p_providerstore_new(fs_repo->config->datastore, fs_repo->config->identity->peer);
ipfs_node->peerstore = libp2p_peerstore_new(ipfs_node->identity->peer);
2017-03-19 14:40:16 -05:00
struct Libp2pPeer this_peer;
2017-07-31 12:50:12 -05:00
this_peer.id = fs_repo->config->identity->peer->id;
this_peer.id_size = fs_repo->config->identity->peer->id_size;
2017-03-19 14:40:16 -05:00
this_peer.addr_head = libp2p_utils_linked_list_new();
this_peer.addr_head->item = multiaddress_new_from_string("/ip4/");
libp2p_peerstore_add_peer(ipfs_node->peerstore, &this_peer);
2017-07-27 12:05:41 -05:00
ipfs_node->routing = ipfs_routing_new_kademlia(ipfs_node, &fs_repo->config->identity->private_key);
if (ipfs_node->routing == NULL)
goto exit;
2017-03-19 14:40:16 -05:00
// start listening
// create a file
create_bytes(&bytes[0], file_size);
create_file(fullFileName, bytes, file_size);
// write to ipfs
if (ipfs_import_file("/tmp", fullFileName, &write_node, ipfs_node, &bytes_written, 1) == 0) {
goto exit;
2017-03-21 12:11:41 -05:00
// announce to network that this can be provided
if (!ipfs_node->routing->Provide(ipfs_node->routing, (unsigned char*)write_node->hash, write_node->hash_size))
goto exit;
// ask the network who can provide this
if (!ipfs_node->routing->FindProviders(ipfs_node->routing, write_node->hash, write_node->hash_size, &multiaddresses))
goto exit;
2017-03-19 14:40:16 -05:00
for(int i = 0; i < multiaddresses->total; i++) {
addr = (struct MultiAddress*) libp2p_utils_vector_get(multiaddresses, i);
if (multiaddress_is_ip4(addr)) {
2017-03-19 14:40:16 -05:00
addr = NULL;
if (addr == NULL)
goto exit;
// Connect to server
multiaddress_get_ip_address(addr, &ip);
struct Stream* file_stream = libp2p_net_multistream_connect(ip, multiaddress_get_ip_port(addr));
2017-03-19 14:40:16 -05:00
if (file_stream == NULL)
goto exit;
struct SessionContext context;
context.insecure_stream = file_stream;
context.default_stream = file_stream;
// Switch from multistream to NodeIO
2017-03-19 14:40:16 -05:00
if (!libp2p_nodeio_upgrade_stream(&context))
goto exit;
// Ask for file
2017-03-19 14:40:16 -05:00
if (!libp2p_nodeio_get(&context, write_node->hash, write_node->hash_size, &results, &results_size))
goto exit;
if (!ipfs_hashtable_node_protobuf_decode(results, results_size, &node))
2017-03-19 14:40:16 -05:00
goto exit;
2017-03-21 12:11:41 -05:00
//we got it
if (node->data_size != write_node->data_size)
goto exit;
2017-03-19 14:40:16 -05:00
retVal = 1;
2017-04-27 15:52:20 -05:00
if (thread_started)
pthread_join(thread, NULL);
if (ipfs_node->routing != NULL)
if (fs_repo != NULL)
2017-05-11 13:53:52 -05:00
if (multiaddresses != NULL)
return retVal;