BSIP: 0037 Title: Extend created asset names Author: oxarbitrage Status: Draft Type: Protocol Created: 2018-02-23 Discussion: Replaces: - Worker: To be done # Abstract Currently, the bitshares-core do not allow asset creation that start or end with a numerical character. Creation of index style assets like `CRYPTO500` are not possible. This BSIP proposes a protocol change to allow number characters at the end of the created asset name. # Motivation Economical, enable more asset names to be created in the exchange. # Rationale No valid reason was found until now about why this is not allowed. The creation of index style assets will bring new business to the exchange. # Specifications Restriction in asset names are detailed in `asset_ops.cpp`: ``` /** * Valid symbols can contain [A-Z0-9], and '.' * They must start with [A, Z] * They must end with [A, Z] * They can contain a maximum of one '.' */ ``` BSIP proposes to change third rule to: `They must end with [A, Z0-9]` As file where the changes are needed(`asset_ops.cpp`) do not have access to the database, we are unable to use `head_block_time()` to create the hardfork guard. The process is more complicated and it is described as follows:(quote from @abit in github ticker: "To make the change, need to loose the validation code in `asset_ops.cpp`, add a hard fork guard code with original rule to asset_evaluator to make sure no rule change before the hard fork, add corresponding hard fork guard code in proposal_evaluator. After hard fork, those hard fork guard code can be safely removed." # Discussion # Summary for Shareholders [to be added if any] # Copyright This document is placed in the public domain. # See Also * *