BSIP: 0039 Title: Automatically approve proposals by the proposer Authors: Fabian Schuh Abit More Status: Draft Type: Protocol Created: 2018-03-20 Discussion: Worker: # Abstract On the BitShares Blockchain, proposals allow to gather signatures for a multisignature-setup by means of on-chain approvals. In contrast to other blockchains, these proposals are actually stored on the blockchain and automatically executed once the required amount of approvals has been reached. This allows participants of a multisignature-setup to exchange insufficiently signed transactions easily. However, when creating a new proposal, the proposer needs to manually approve his operation afterwards. This is not only inconvenient, but also costs and additional operation and thus a fee. This BSIP recommends to have the proposer of a proposal automatically added as approved. # Motivation In the case of a simple 2-of-3 multisig-scheme, today's implementation forces us to have 3 operations stored on the blockchain: a) the proposal itself, and two approvals. The inconvenience and additional fee hinders adoption of this scheme and makes it unnecessary complicated. # Rational By proposing an action, the proposer can be considered as an agreeing party, otherwise the proposal wouldn't have been created in the first place. If the proposer is not part of the multisig-setup, having him approve the proposal automatically does affect the validity of the proposal itself. # Specifications This BSIP comes with only minimal modifications that, however, change the behavior of the protocol and thus need a protocol upgrade. The change is implemented in such a way that the `fee_paying_account` for the proposal is added to the `available_active_approvals` of the proposal after creation. # Discussion To be found in the forum - see link above. # Summary for Shareholders This BSIP proposes a minor modification that improves the process of using hierarchical account permissions and simplifies the use of multisig-setups with only minimal modifications. # Copyright This document is placed in the public domain. # See Also *