package cy.agorise.bitsybitshareswallet.fragments import android.content.* import android.os.Bundle import android.os.Handler import android.preference.PreferenceManager import android.util.Log import android.view.LayoutInflater import android.view.View import android.view.ViewGroup import androidx.appcompat.widget.Toolbar import androidx.collection.LongSparseArray import androidx.lifecycle.ViewModelProviders import androidx.recyclerview.widget.LinearLayoutManager import com.afollestad.materialdialogs.MaterialDialog import com.afollestad.materialdialogs.callbacks.onDismiss import com.afollestad.materialdialogs.customview.customView import com.afollestad.materialdialogs.list.customListAdapter import com.afollestad.materialdialogs.list.listItemsSingleChoice import import import cy.agorise.bitsybitshareswallet.BuildConfig import cy.agorise.bitsybitshareswallet.R import cy.agorise.bitsybitshareswallet.adapters.FullNodesAdapter import cy.agorise.bitsybitshareswallet.repositories.AuthorityRepository import cy.agorise.bitsybitshareswallet.utils.Constants import cy.agorise.bitsybitshareswallet.utils.CryptoUtils import cy.agorise.bitsybitshareswallet.viewmodels.SettingsFragmentViewModel import cy.agorise.graphenej.* import cy.agorise.graphenej.api.ConnectionStatusUpdate import cy.agorise.graphenej.api.calls.BroadcastTransaction import cy.agorise.graphenej.api.calls.GetAccounts import cy.agorise.graphenej.api.calls.GetDynamicGlobalProperties import cy.agorise.graphenej.models.DynamicGlobalProperties import cy.agorise.graphenej.models.JsonRpcResponse import cy.agorise.graphenej.operations.AccountUpgradeOperationBuilder import import io.reactivex.schedulers.Schedulers import* import org.bitcoinj.core.DumpedPrivateKey import org.bitcoinj.core.ECKey import java.text.NumberFormat import javax.crypto.AEADBadTagException class SettingsFragment : ConnectedFragment(), BaseSecurityLockDialog.OnPINPatternEnteredListener { companion object { private const val TAG = "SettingsFragment" // Constants used to perform security locked requests private const val ACTION_CHANGE_SECURITY_LOCK = 1 private const val ACTION_SHOW_BRAINKEY = 2 private const val ACTION_UPGRADE_TO_LTM = 3 private const val ACTION_REMOVE_ACCOUNT = 4 // Constants used to organize NetworkService requests private const val RESPONSE_GET_DYNAMIC_GLOBAL_PROPERTIES_NODES = 1 private const val RESPONSE_GET_DYNAMIC_GLOBAL_PROPERTIES_LTM = 2 private const val RESPONSE_BROADCAST_TRANSACTION = 3 } private lateinit var mViewModel: SettingsFragmentViewModel private var mUserAccount: UserAccount? = null private var privateKey: String? = null // Dialog displaying the list of nodes and their latencies private var mNodesDialog: MaterialDialog? = null // NodesDialog's RecyclerView LayoutManager used to always keep showing the first node of the list. private var mNodesDialogLinearLayoutManager: LinearLayoutManager? = null /** Adapter that holds the FullNode list used in the Bitshares nodes modal */ private var nodesAdapter: FullNodesAdapter? = null // Map used to keep track of request and response id pairs private val responseMap = LongSparseArray() /** Transaction to upgrade to LTM */ private var ltmTransaction: Transaction? = null private val mHandler = Handler() override fun onCreateView(inflater: LayoutInflater, container: ViewGroup?, savedInstanceState: Bundle?): View? { setHasOptionsMenu(true) val nightMode = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context) .getBoolean(Constants.KEY_NIGHT_MODE_ACTIVATED, false) // Make sure the toolbar show the correct colors in both day and night modes val toolbar: Toolbar? = activity?.findViewById( toolbar?.setBackgroundResource(if (!nightMode) R.color.colorPrimary else R.color.colorToolbarDark) return inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_settings, container, false) } override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState) Crashlytics.setString(Constants.CRASHLYTICS_KEY_LAST_SCREEN, TAG) val userId = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context) .getString(Constants.KEY_CURRENT_ACCOUNT_ID, "") ?: "" // Configure ViewModel mViewModel= ViewModelProviders.of(this).get( mViewModel.getUserAccount(userId).observe(this, androidx.lifecycle.Observer{ userAccount -> if (userAccount != null) { mUserAccount = UserAccount(, btnUpgradeToLTM.isEnabled = !userAccount.isLtm // Disable button if already LTM } }) mViewModel.getWIF(userId, AuthorityType.ACTIVE.ordinal).observe(this, androidx.lifecycle.Observer { encryptedWIF -> context?.let { try { privateKey = CryptoUtils.decrypt(it, encryptedWIF) } catch (e: AEADBadTagException) { Log.e(TAG, "AEADBadTagException. Class: " + e.javaClass + ", Msg: " + e.message) } catch (e: IllegalStateException) { Crashlytics.logException(e) } } }) initAutoCloseSwitch() initNightModeSwitch() tvNetworkStatus.setOnClickListener { v -> showNodesDialog(v) } // Obtain the current Security Lock Option selected and display it in the screen val securityLockSelected = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context) .getInt(Constants.KEY_SECURITY_LOCK_SELECTED, 0) // Security Lock Options // 0 -> None // 1 -> PIN // 2 -> Pattern tvSecurityLockSelected.text = resources.getStringArray(R.array.security_lock_options)[securityLockSelected] tvSecurityLock.setOnClickListener { onSecurityLockTextSelected() } tvSecurityLockSelected.setOnClickListener { onSecurityLockTextSelected() } btnViewBrainKey.setOnClickListener { onShowBrainKeyButtonSelected() } val lastAccountBackup = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context) .getLong(Constants.KEY_LAST_ACCOUNT_BACKUP, 0L) val now = System.currentTimeMillis() if (lastAccountBackup + Constants.ACCOUNT_BACKUP_PERIOD < now) tvBackupWarning.visibility = View.VISIBLE btnUpgradeToLTM.setOnClickListener { onUpgradeToLTMButtonSelected() } btnRemoveAccount.setOnClickListener { onRemoveAccountButtonSelected() } } private fun showNodesDialog(v: View) { if (mNetworkService != null) { val fullNodes = mNetworkService!!.nodes nodesAdapter = FullNodesAdapter(v.context) nodesAdapter?.add(fullNodes) // PublishSubject used to announce full node latencies updates val fullNodePublishSubject = mNetworkService?.nodeLatencyObservable ?: return val nodesDisposable = fullNodePublishSubject .subscribeOn( .observeOn(AndroidSchedulers.mainThread()) .subscribe( { fullNode -> mNodesDialogLinearLayoutManager?.scrollToPositionWithOffset(0, 0) if (!fullNode.isRemoved) nodesAdapter?.add(fullNode) else nodesAdapter?.remove(fullNode) }, { Log.e(TAG, "nodeLatencyObserver.onError.Msg: " + it.message) } ) mNodesDialogLinearLayoutManager = LinearLayoutManager(v.context) mNodesDialog = MaterialDialog(v.context).show { title(text = String.format("%s v%s", getString(R.string.app_name), BuildConfig.VERSION_NAME)) message(text = getString(R.string.title__bitshares_nodes_dialog, "-------")) customListAdapter(nodesAdapter as FullNodesAdapter, mNodesDialogLinearLayoutManager) negativeButton(android.R.string.ok) onDismiss { mHandler.removeCallbacks(mRequestDynamicGlobalPropertiesTask) nodesDisposable.dispose() } } // Registering a recurrent task used to poll for dynamic global properties requests } } override fun onStart() { super.onStart() if (mNetworkService?.isConnected == true) showConnectedState() else showDisconnectedState() } override fun handleJsonRpcResponse(response: JsonRpcResponse<*>) { if (responseMap.containsKey( { when (responseMap[]) { RESPONSE_GET_DYNAMIC_GLOBAL_PROPERTIES_NODES -> handleDynamicGlobalPropertiesNodes(response.result) RESPONSE_GET_DYNAMIC_GLOBAL_PROPERTIES_LTM -> handleDynamicGlobalPropertiesLTM(response.result) RESPONSE_BROADCAST_TRANSACTION -> handleBroadcastTransaction(response) } responseMap.remove( } } override fun handleConnectionStatusUpdate(connectionStatusUpdate: ConnectionStatusUpdate) { when (connectionStatusUpdate.updateCode) { ConnectionStatusUpdate.CONNECTED -> { showConnectedState() } ConnectionStatusUpdate.DISCONNECTED -> { showDisconnectedState() } } } private fun showConnectedState() { tvNetworkStatus.setCompoundDrawablesRelativeWithIntrinsicBounds(null, null, resources.getDrawable(R.drawable.ic_connected, null), null) } private fun showDisconnectedState() { tvNetworkStatus.setCompoundDrawablesRelativeWithIntrinsicBounds(null, null, resources.getDrawable(R.drawable.ic_disconnected, null), null) } /** Handles the result of the [GetDynamicGlobalProperties] api call to obtain the current block number and update * it in the Nodes Dialog */ private fun handleDynamicGlobalPropertiesNodes(result: Any?) { if (result is DynamicGlobalProperties) { if (mNodesDialog != null && mNodesDialog?.isShowing == true) { val blockNumber = NumberFormat.getInstance().format(result.head_block_number) mNodesDialog?.message(text = getString(R.string.title__bitshares_nodes_dialog, blockNumber)) } } } private fun handleDynamicGlobalPropertiesLTM(result: Any?) { if (result is DynamicGlobalProperties) { val expirationTime = (result.time.time / 1000) + Transaction.DEFAULT_EXPIRATION_TIME val headBlockId = result.head_block_id val headBlockNumber = result.head_block_number ltmTransaction?.blockData = BlockData(headBlockNumber, headBlockId, expirationTime) val id = mNetworkService?.sendMessage(BroadcastTransaction(ltmTransaction), BroadcastTransaction.REQUIRED_API) if (id != null) responseMap.append(id, RESPONSE_BROADCAST_TRANSACTION) // TODO use an indicator to show that a transaction is in progress } } /** Handles the result of the [BroadcastTransaction] api call to find out if the Transaction to upgrade the * current account to LTM was successful or not */ private fun handleBroadcastTransaction(message: JsonRpcResponse<*>) { if (message.result == null && message.error == null) { // Looks like the upgrade to LTM was successful, we need to update the current account information from // the blockchain and show a success dialog mNetworkService?.sendMessage(GetAccounts(mUserAccount), GetAccounts.REQUIRED_API) context?.let { context -> MaterialDialog(context).show { title(R.string.title__account_upgraded) message(R.string.msg__account_upgraded) positiveButton(android.R.string.ok) } } } else if (message.error != null) { // The upgrade to LTM wasn't successful, show a dialog to the user explaining the situation context?.let { context -> MaterialDialog(context).show { title(R.string.title__upgrade_account_error) message(R.string.msg__upgrade_account_error) positiveButton(android.R.string.ok) } } } } /** * Task used to obtain frequent updates on the global dynamic properties object */ private val mRequestDynamicGlobalPropertiesTask = object : Runnable { override fun run() { val id = mNetworkService?.sendMessage(GetDynamicGlobalProperties(), GetDynamicGlobalProperties.REQUIRED_API) if (id != null) responseMap.append(id, RESPONSE_GET_DYNAMIC_GLOBAL_PROPERTIES_NODES) mHandler.postDelayed(this, Constants.BLOCK_PERIOD) } } /** * Fetches the relevant preference from the SharedPreferences and configures the corresponding switch accordingly, * and adds a listener to the said switch to store the preference in case the user changes it. */ private fun initAutoCloseSwitch() { val autoCloseOn = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context) .getBoolean(Constants.KEY_AUTO_CLOSE_ACTIVATED, true) switchAutoClose.isChecked = autoCloseOn switchAutoClose.setOnCheckedChangeListener { buttonView, isChecked -> PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(buttonView.context).edit() .putBoolean(Constants.KEY_AUTO_CLOSE_ACTIVATED, isChecked).apply() } } /** * Fetches the relevant preference from the SharedPreferences and configures the corresponding switch accordingly, * and adds a listener to the said switch to store the preference in case the user changes it. Also makes a call to * recreate the activity and apply the selected theme. */ private fun initNightModeSwitch() { val nightModeOn = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context) .getBoolean(Constants.KEY_NIGHT_MODE_ACTIVATED, false) switchNightMode.isChecked = nightModeOn switchNightMode.setOnCheckedChangeListener { buttonView, isChecked -> PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(buttonView.context).edit() .putBoolean(Constants.KEY_NIGHT_MODE_ACTIVATED, isChecked).apply() // Recreates the activity to apply the selected theme activity?.recreate() } } private fun onSecurityLockTextSelected() { if (!verifySecurityLock(ACTION_CHANGE_SECURITY_LOCK)) showChooseSecurityLockDialog() } /** * Encapsulates the logic required to do actions possibly locked by the Security Lock. If PIN/Pattern is selected * then it prompts for it. * * @param actionIdentifier Identifier used to know why a verify security lock was launched * @return true if the action was handled, false otherwise */ private fun verifySecurityLock(actionIdentifier: Int): Boolean { val securityLockSelected = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context) .getInt(Constants.KEY_SECURITY_LOCK_SELECTED, 0) // Security Lock Options // 0 -> None // 1 -> PIN // 2 -> Pattern // Args used for both PIN and Pattern options val args = Bundle() args.putInt(BaseSecurityLockDialog.KEY_STEP_SECURITY_LOCK, BaseSecurityLockDialog.STEP_SECURITY_LOCK_VERIFY) args.putInt(BaseSecurityLockDialog.KEY_ACTION_IDENTIFIER, actionIdentifier) return when (securityLockSelected) { 0 -> { /* None */ false } 1 -> { /* PIN */ val pinFrag = PINSecurityLockDialog() pinFrag.arguments = args, "pin_security_lock_tag") true } else -> { /* Pattern */ val patternFrag = PatternSecurityLockDialog() patternFrag.arguments = args, "pattern_security_lock_tag") true } } } override fun onPINPatternEntered(actionIdentifier: Int) { when (actionIdentifier) { ACTION_CHANGE_SECURITY_LOCK -> showChooseSecurityLockDialog() ACTION_SHOW_BRAINKEY -> getBrainkey() ACTION_UPGRADE_TO_LTM -> showUpgradeToLTMDialog() ACTION_REMOVE_ACCOUNT -> showRemoveAccountDialog() } } override fun onPINPatternChanged() { // Obtain the new Security Lock Option selected and display it in the screen val securityLockSelected = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context) .getInt(Constants.KEY_SECURITY_LOCK_SELECTED, 0) // Security Lock Options // 0 -> None // 1 -> PIN // 2 -> Pattern tvSecurityLockSelected.text = resources.getStringArray(R.array.security_lock_options)[securityLockSelected] } /** * Shows a dialog so the user can select its desired Security Lock option. */ private fun showChooseSecurityLockDialog() { // Obtain the current Security Lock Option selected and display it in the screen val securityLockSelected = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context) .getInt(Constants.KEY_SECURITY_LOCK_SELECTED, 0) // Security Lock Options // 0 -> None // 1 -> PIN // 2 -> Pattern context?.let { MaterialDialog(it).show { title(R.string.title__security_dialog) listItemsSingleChoice(R.array.security_lock_options, initialSelection = securityLockSelected) {_, index, _ -> // Args used for both PIN and Pattern options val args = Bundle() args.putInt(BaseSecurityLockDialog.KEY_STEP_SECURITY_LOCK, BaseSecurityLockDialog.STEP_SECURITY_LOCK_CREATE) args.putInt(BaseSecurityLockDialog.KEY_ACTION_IDENTIFIER, -1) when (index) { 0 -> { /* None */ PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context).edit() .putInt(Constants.KEY_SECURITY_LOCK_SELECTED, 0).apply() // 0 -> None // Call this function to update the UI onPINPatternChanged() } 1 -> { /* PIN */ val pinFrag = PINSecurityLockDialog() pinFrag.arguments = args, "pin_security_lock_tag") } else -> { /* Pattern */ val patternFrag = PatternSecurityLockDialog() patternFrag.arguments = args, "pattern_security_lock_tag") } } } } } } private fun onShowBrainKeyButtonSelected() { if (!verifySecurityLock(ACTION_SHOW_BRAINKEY)) getBrainkey() } private fun onUpgradeToLTMButtonSelected() { if (!verifySecurityLock(ACTION_UPGRADE_TO_LTM)) showUpgradeToLTMDialog() } private fun onRemoveAccountButtonSelected() { if (!verifySecurityLock(ACTION_REMOVE_ACCOUNT)) showRemoveAccountDialog() } /** * Obtains the brainKey from the authorities db table for the current user account and if it is not null it passes * the brainKey to a method to show it in a nice MaterialDialog */ private fun getBrainkey() { context?.let { val userId = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(it) .getString(Constants.KEY_CURRENT_ACCOUNT_ID, "") ?: "" val authorityRepository = AuthorityRepository(it) mDisposables.add(authorityRepository.get(userId) .subscribeOn( .map { authority -> val plainBrainKey = CryptoUtils.decrypt(it, authority.encryptedBrainKey) val plainSequenceNumber = CryptoUtils.decrypt(it, authority.encryptedSequenceNumber) val sequenceNumber = Integer.parseInt(plainSequenceNumber) BrainKey(plainBrainKey, sequenceNumber) } .subscribeOn(Schedulers.computation()) .observeOn(AndroidSchedulers.mainThread()) .subscribe { brainkey -> showBrainKeyDialog(brainkey) } ) } } /** * Shows the plain brainkey in a dialog so that the user can view and Copy it. */ private fun showBrainKeyDialog(brainKey: BrainKey) { context?.let { context -> val dialog = MaterialDialog(context) .title(text = "BrainKey") .message(text = brainKey.brainKey) .customView(R.layout.dialog_copy_brainkey) .cancelable(false) .positiveButton(R.string.button__copied) { val now = System.currentTimeMillis() PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(it.context).edit() .putLong(Constants.KEY_LAST_ACCOUNT_BACKUP, now).apply() tvBackupWarning.visibility = View.GONE } } } private fun showUpgradeToLTMDialog() { context?.let { context -> val content = getString(R.string.msg__account_upgrade_dialog, mUserAccount?.name) MaterialDialog(context).show { message(text = content) negativeButton(android.R.string.cancel) positiveButton(android.R.string.ok) { val operation = AccountUpgradeOperationBuilder() .setIsUpgrade(true) .setFee(AssetAmount(UnsignedLong.ZERO, Asset("1.3.0"))) // 0 BTS .setAccountToUpgrade(mUserAccount).build() val operations = ArrayList() operations.add(operation) val currentPrivateKey = ECKey.fromPrivate( DumpedPrivateKey.fromBase58(null, privateKey).key.privKeyBytes) ltmTransaction = Transaction(currentPrivateKey, null, operations) val id = mNetworkService?.sendMessage(GetDynamicGlobalProperties(), GetDynamicGlobalProperties.REQUIRED_API) if (id != null) responseMap.append(id, RESPONSE_GET_DYNAMIC_GLOBAL_PROPERTIES_LTM) } } } } private fun showRemoveAccountDialog() { context?.let { context -> MaterialDialog(context).show { title(R.string.title__remove_account) message(R.string.msg__remove_account_confirmation) negativeButton(android.R.string.cancel) positiveButton(android.R.string.ok) { removeAccount(it.context) } } } } private fun removeAccount(context: Context) { // Clears the database. mViewModel.clearDatabase(context) // Clears the shared preferences. val pref = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context) pref.edit().clear().apply() // Marks the license as agreed, so that it is not shown to the user again. pref.edit().putInt( Constants.KEY_LAST_AGREED_LICENSE_VERSION, Constants.CURRENT_LICENSE_VERSION).apply() // Restarts the activity, which will restart the whole application since it uses a // single activity architecture. val intent = activity?.intent activity?.finish() activity?.startActivity(intent) } }