Severiano Jaramillo
Created a DatabaseLoadActivity which loads basic information of all the BitShares assets and stores them in the database. This process only occurs once during the initial setup.
2018-11-26 15:11:34 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
- Created basic Balances layout with sections to show the account name, a list of Balances and a list of Transactions.
- Created UserAccountViewModel to serve as a bridge between the views and the database, and use it to fetch the current active UserAccount to display it in the BalancesFragment.
2018-11-26 12:26:20 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
- Make an UX improvement to let the user import the account directly from the keyboard when typing the brainkey in the TextField.
- Add the MaterialDialogs library and use it to let the user choose the desired account to import when the brainkey controls more than one account.
2018-11-22 20:13:10 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Remove code from BitsyApplication that is not going to be used.
- Add checks to ImportBrainkeyActivity to make sure the PIN and Brainkey have the correct length/structure.
2018-11-22 15:40:33 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
- Create BitsyApplication class to manage the connection to graphenej's NetworkService.
- Create ConnectedActivity which is the base activity that handles the communication to graphenej's NetworkService and will be extended by other apps that require communication to the BitShares nodes.
2018-11-22 13:35:32 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Create ImportBrainkeyActivity lyout.
2018-11-21 20:53:45 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Created basic ImportBrainkeyActivity and a method to take the user to the MainActivity or ImportBrainkeyActivity depending on whether or not there is an active account after the user accepts the License.
2018-11-21 17:43:51 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Created SplashActivity and LicenseActivity. Created a MaterialComponents button style with its state list animator.
2018-11-21 17:10:39 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
- Removed not needed stuff.
- Created new MainActivity using a BottomNavigationBar and created all the necessary icons for such bar.
2018-11-21 14:47:21 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Migrate Bitsy to MaterialComponets theme.
2018-11-21 13:13:07 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Update project to use the new AndroidX libraries.
2018-10-31 08:55:55 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Create empty SendTransactionActivity and ReceiveTransactionActivity which are called from BalancesFragment
2018-10-30 19:32:06 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Give better names to buttons in BalancesFragment
2018-10-30 16:22:24 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Add content to the BalancesFragment, mostly copied fron the old wallet.
2018-10-30 15:27:20 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Add day/night theme spinner in SettingsActivity along with a very basic implementation of its behavior.
2018-10-30 13:14:33 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Create empty SettingsActivity and an Intent to open it from the Settings icon in the MainActivity bottom status bar.
2018-10-30 12:41:09 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Add MainActivity's bottom status bar that shows app version, current BitShares block number, node connection status and the icon to open the Settings.
2018-10-30 10:04:05 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Add basic Balances, Transactions and Merchants Fragments with their own layout and ViewModel.
2018-10-30 09:11:19 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Improved MainActivity TabLayout by making tabMode=scrollable and adding an animation to the bitshares logo to visually show when the fragment it represents is selected.
2018-10-30 08:18:40 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Created MainActivity's Tabs with the first tab having the bitshares logo and the other two their corresponding text names.
2018-10-29 20:30:53 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Create basic MainActivity with Tabs. Change app name to BiTSy and add the bitshares logo as the launcher icon.
2018-10-29 19:59:02 -06:00