Severiano Jaramillo
Update MerchantsFragment's SearchView suggestions UI so that they include the merchant or teller icon, to make it easier for users and improve UX.
2019-01-28 16:14:11 -06:00 |
Severiano Jaramillo
Added a custom layout to show suggestions to MerchantsFragment's SearchView so that it can show Merchat/Teller name and address. Added a way to figure out if the selected suggestion is a Merchant or a Teller, so we can decide on how to proceed to find its correct marker on the map.
2019-01-28 15:56:50 -06:00 |
Severiano Jaramillo
Added a SearchView to MerchantsFragment's Toolbar, with an autocomplete feature that once the user starts writing shows suggestions to the user and listens when he selects one of those suggestions. The suggestions show dummy data for now, but it will query the database to obtain such suggestions.
2019-01-28 15:02:49 -06:00 |
Severiano Jaramillo
Added a dialog to explain what merchants and tellers are, which is opened in from the About option in the Merchants & Tellers's popup menu.
2019-01-26 16:25:59 -06:00 |
Update strings.xml
added "y Tellers" to title on toolbar
2019-01-26 10:10:09 -06:00 |
Severiano Jaramillo
Add the methods to hide/show both merchants and tellers markers depending on the current switches selection in the corresponding popup menu.
2019-01-25 22:33:20 -06:00 |
Severiano Jaramillo
Make sure the MerchantsFragment's custom popup dialog is dismissed if it is open and the user clicks anywhere else in the map.
2019-01-25 22:11:05 -06:00 |
Severiano Jaramillo
Added an (i) icon to the About section in the MerchantsFragment's custom popup menu and improved the menu positioning moving it a bit to the top so that it overlaps the toolbar.
2019-01-25 21:51:58 -06:00 |
Severiano Jaramillo
Created a three vertical dots icon and use it in the MerchantsFragment's Toolbar. Then forced that icon to display a custom Popup menu to control which pins will appear on the map (merchants and/or tellers).
2019-01-25 20:03:22 -06:00 |
Severiano Jaramillo
Add custom marker info window to teller markers, to show the complete information as with the merchants.
2019-01-24 19:18:59 -06:00 |
Severiano Jaramillo
Improve merchants' marker info window layout. Added proper padding and nice rounded corners with a 1dp border to improve visibility.
2019-01-24 17:02:28 -06:00 |
Severiano Jaramillo
Create a custom layout for Merchants marker's info dialogs in the MerchantsFragment map, to be able to show all the required information using a custom adapter.
2019-01-24 15:22:51 -06:00 |
Severiano Jaramillo
Make some changes to the Merchant's map Cluster logic, so that both Merchants and Tellers clusters work at the same time and automatically as the map camera moves.
2019-01-24 13:37:06 -06:00 |
Severiano Jaramillo
Add the map icons for teller and teller cluster. Create TellerRepository to delegate it the responsability to keep the tellers info up to date into the database and serve the info to the MerchantsViewModel and MerchantsFragment immediatly. Create TellerMarketRenderer which is in charge of creating and serving the icons used for the tellers and tellers' clusters in the map.
2019-01-23 19:15:06 -06:00 |
Severiano Jaramillo
Improve Merchants & Tellers map default location and zoom.
2019-01-23 16:30:34 -06:00 |
Severiano Jaramillo
Improve MerchantRepository to perform merchants update only if at least one day has passed since the last update. Also, perform a full delete of merchants before inserting the list received from thewebservice to make sure merchants removed there are also removed from the app.
2019-01-23 16:08:04 -06:00 |
Severiano Jaramillo
Create MerchantViewModel and MerchantRepository, the first to hold the merchants data and deliver it to the MerchantsFragment and the second to serve as a single source to fetch the Merchants list. When it gets a request for the merchants it retrieves and serves the list from the database and meanwhile refreshes the list from the WebService.
2019-01-23 15:37:13 -06:00 |
Severiano Jaramillo
Override the method that is called when a cluster is tapped, so that the map updated the camera focus on an area that shows all the items from the selected cluster.
2019-01-23 12:42:19 -06:00 |
Severiano Jaramillo
Create MerchantMarkerRederer to create custom merchant and custom merchant cluster icons to show on the map. Use the same merchant cluster icon as in but with white text.
2019-01-23 12:17:46 -06:00 |
Severiano Jaramillo
Add the android-maps-utils library and use the Cluster functionality to display a nice item amount when the markers are too close.
2019-01-22 20:14:17 -06:00 |
Severiano Jaramillo
Position the Merchants & Tellers Map by default somewhere near Panama with a zoom of 6.
2019-01-22 16:30:23 -06:00 |
Severiano Jaramillo
Create a night mode style for the Merchants & Tellers map and apply it only when the app is in night mode, use the default map theme otherwise.
2019-01-22 15:53:14 -06:00 |
Severiano Jaramillo
Add location permission request in the Merchants and Tellers screen, and if accepted show the icon on the map so that it can be moved to the current user's location if it is available already. Also, show the zoom UI controls on the map.
2019-01-22 15:31:24 -06:00 |
Severiano Jaramillo
Change Toolbar title of Merchants section to Merchants & Tellers
2019-01-22 14:00:35 -06:00 |
Severiano Jaramillo
Create db migration to add and use the merchants and tellers tables.
2019-01-22 13:55:28 -06:00 |
Severiano Jaramillo
Created MerchantDao and TellerDao to be able to access the merchants and tellers db tables. Modified Room to export the db schema to enable proper testing.
2019-01-22 13:28:17 -06:00 |
Severiano Jaramillo
Improve query to obtain the merchants information from the webservice. Move the Merchant model to the entities folder and annotate it so it can be used to create a Room table. Create the Teller entity to be used to fetch the Tellers info from the webservice and create the tellers Room table. Removed not needed classes Ambassador and AmbassadorLocation.
2019-01-22 13:11:23 -06:00 |
Severiano Jaramillo
Fix crash with Google maps in Android 9 [Pie] devices.
2019-01-22 10:17:22 -06:00 |
Severiano Jaramillo
Improve homescreen buttons layout, making the camera button bigger and putting it over the Send button in the border at ~-140°, and removing the line that connected the camera and send buttons.
2019-01-22 09:56:58 -06:00 |
Severiano Jaramillo
Created a tab_icon_selector file to dynamicaly color the Pie chart icon in the HomeFragment tabs in the activated/deactivated state in both day and night mode to match the same colors as the other tab's text.
2019-01-21 21:54:18 -06:00 |
Severiano Jaramillo
Remove '#bitsy' Memo from QR codes generated in ReceiveTransactionFragment.
2019-01-21 21:54:03 -06:00 |
Severiano Jaramillo
Force the back button in the Toolbar in different screens to use the same white color as the Toolbar title text.
2019-01-21 12:05:40 -06:00 |
Severiano Jaramillo
Created a blue lightning bolt icon and use it in the Homescreen to show it to the left of the account name in case it is LTM.
2019-01-21 11:13:54 -06:00 |
Severiano Jaramillo
Change fiat placeholder in the Transactions items.
2019-01-16 16:47:29 -06:00 |
Severiano Jaramillo
Prepare the strings.xml file for translation by putting every string resource into a single line. Create Spanish translation human verified.
2019-01-16 16:40:49 -06:00 |
Severiano Jaramillo
Avoid adding an operation to send a fee to agorise when the amount is zero, this can happen when the amount that is going to be sent is very small such that 0.01% of that is less than the minimum amount available of that asset.
2019-01-16 15:31:54 -06:00 |
Severiano Jaramillo
Improve SendTransactionFragment's QR code read feature to account for cases when the QR code is for a smartcoin (starts with bit).
2019-01-16 13:48:35 -06:00 |
Severiano Jaramillo
Make ReceiveTransactionFragment extend from ConnectedFragment to reduce boilerplate and repeated code. Change the method used to obtain the Assets list from the db in ReceiveTransactionFragment, it now retrieved only those Assets for which the user has a Balance > 0. Improve ReceiveTransactionFragment's function that obtains the suggestions for the AutoCompleteTextView when the user wants to receive a different Asset, to avoid crashes if the information received does not have the expected format.
2019-01-16 11:34:01 -06:00 |
Severiano Jaramillo
Created an extension function that can be used to hide the keyboard from any view and used that extension function to add the behavior of hiding the keyboard when a EditText loses focus which was included in a custom view MyTextInputEditText. Then used that class in all EditText fields in SendTransactionFragment, ReceiveTransactionFragment, ImportBrainkeyFragment and CreateAccountFragment to introduce the described behavior.
2019-01-16 10:30:11 -06:00 |
Severiano Jaramillo
Improve HomeFragment layout by increasing elevation (and shadows) of buttons, changing the line that connect the camera and send buttons to red color and also improving the Send and Receive text by using caps and a small spacing from the buttons above.
2019-01-16 09:47:17 -06:00 |
Severiano Jaramillo
Reduce the amount of assets that should be sent to agorise as a network fee when sending transactions using Bitsy.
2019-01-16 09:18:17 -06:00 |
Severiano Jaramillo
Fix crash when in ImportBrainkeyFragment when the user tries to import an account with an incorrect BrainKey. Also, removed trailing spaces from the written BrainKey before proceeding to verify it.
2019-01-16 09:02:18 -06:00 |
Severiano Jaramillo
Improve FilterOptionsDialog layout by moving the 'IgnoreNetworkFees' section above the 'Fiat Amount' section.
2019-01-15 21:43:24 -06:00 |
Severiano Jaramillo
Add the functionality to filter all transactions sent to the agorise account, which are presumably transaction network fees.
2019-01-15 21:28:24 -06:00 |
Severiano Jaramillo
Add a switch to the bottom of the Transactions' FilterOptionsDialog which will be used to hide/show the network fees sent to Agorise. Also added the communication back and forth from the Transactions to the Dialog to keep updated the user selection of the switch.
2019-01-15 21:23:54 -06:00 |
Severiano Jaramillo
Disable proguard's minify meanwhile a solution is found to avoid wrong and different behavior in the app when minify is enabled.
2019-01-15 20:58:18 -06:00 |
Severiano Jaramillo
Force amount validation in SendTransactionFragment when an asset is selected in Assets spinner. The amount validation was done only after the user changed the amount but it has to also be validated when the user selects a different Asset, because it is probable to have less of that asset than what is already typed in the amount field.
2019-01-15 17:13:02 -06:00 |
Severiano Jaramillo
Create a list of IDs of BTS and all the SmartCoins in the Constants class, so that we can easily decide whether sending the agorise fee or not. If the Asset ID is contained into the list then the fee is sent.
2019-01-15 17:06:00 -06:00 |
Severiano Jaramillo
Improve SendTransactionFragment by adding description comments to all non-trivial functions and variables, and avoid crashes in many parts by always adding null-safe operations.
2019-01-15 14:34:42 -06:00 |
Severiano Jaramillo
Add the code to send the fee to Agorise in the case the transfer Asset is BTS.
This is the easiest case because we only need to calculate the fee as a percentage of the transfer and add it to the Transaction.
2019-01-15 13:46:27 -06:00 |