Severiano Jaramillo
Replaced SettingsActivity with SettingsFragmet and created the Navigation methods to hook the Balances' Settings toolbar icon with the Settings fragment so it automatically opens when the icon is tapped.
2018-12-13 12:34:42 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Improve Transactions' cards UI.
2018-12-13 11:49:57 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Create Settings screen layout.
2018-12-11 16:22:55 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
- Adjusted how the Android virtual keyboard appears on the screen so that it does not distort the QR code image.
- Created a method to update the QR code when the user updates the Amount text field information, using RxJava debounce to avoid calls while the user is still typing.
- Created a method to remove the QR when there is no Asset selected.
2018-12-07 15:18:23 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Create custom AutoCompleteTextView which can be used inside of a TextInputLayout to show a nice square with the suggestion like the other text fields used in the app.
2018-12-07 12:17:45 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Create ReceiveTransactionFragment layout.
2018-12-06 19:09:36 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
- Add a amount verification to the SendTransactionFragment to ensure the user has at least that amount of the selected asset in his account.
- Show the balance of the current selected asset below the asset Spinner.
- Enable the send transaction button only after verifying that both the to account and the amount are both valid.
2018-12-05 21:49:26 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Create SendTransactionFragment layout similar to Crystal's
2018-12-03 17:22:21 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
- Create basic TransactionsAdapter to populate the Transactions RecyclerView in Balances.
- Create basic Transactions items layout.
2018-11-28 20:13:40 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Update EULA and change DISAGREE button color to red and AGREE button color to green.
2018-11-28 14:21:43 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Created a DatabaseLoadActivity which loads basic information of all the BitShares assets and stores them in the database. This process only occurs once during the initial setup.
2018-11-26 15:11:34 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
- Created basic Balances layout with sections to show the account name, a list of Balances and a list of Transactions.
- Created UserAccountViewModel to serve as a bridge between the views and the database, and use it to fetch the current active UserAccount to display it in the BalancesFragment.
2018-11-26 12:26:20 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
- Make an UX improvement to let the user import the account directly from the keyboard when typing the brainkey in the TextField.
- Add the MaterialDialogs library and use it to let the user choose the desired account to import when the brainkey controls more than one account.
2018-11-22 20:13:10 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Remove code from BitsyApplication that is not going to be used.
- Add checks to ImportBrainkeyActivity to make sure the PIN and Brainkey have the correct length/structure.
2018-11-22 15:40:33 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
- Create BitsyApplication class to manage the connection to graphenej's NetworkService.
- Create ConnectedActivity which is the base activity that handles the communication to graphenej's NetworkService and will be extended by other apps that require communication to the BitShares nodes.
2018-11-22 13:35:32 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Create ImportBrainkeyActivity lyout.
2018-11-21 20:53:45 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Created basic ImportBrainkeyActivity and a method to take the user to the MainActivity or ImportBrainkeyActivity depending on whether or not there is an active account after the user accepts the License.
2018-11-21 17:43:51 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Created SplashActivity and LicenseActivity. Created a MaterialComponents button style with its state list animator.
2018-11-21 17:10:39 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
- Removed not needed stuff.
- Created new MainActivity using a BottomNavigationBar and created all the necessary icons for such bar.
2018-11-21 14:47:21 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Migrate Bitsy to MaterialComponets theme.
2018-11-21 13:13:07 -06:00
SendFragment and ReceiveFragment changes
2018-10-31 19:05:03 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Add content to the BalancesFragment, mostly copied fron the old wallet.
2018-10-30 15:27:20 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Add day/night theme spinner in SettingsActivity along with a very basic implementation of its behavior.
2018-10-30 13:14:33 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Create empty SettingsActivity and an Intent to open it from the Settings icon in the MainActivity bottom status bar.
2018-10-30 12:41:09 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Add basic Balances, Transactions and Merchants Fragments with their own layout and ViewModel.
2018-10-30 09:11:19 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Improved MainActivity TabLayout by making tabMode=scrollable and adding an animation to the bitshares logo to visually show when the fragment it represents is selected.
2018-10-30 08:18:40 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Create basic MainActivity with Tabs. Change app name to BiTSy and add the bitshares logo as the launcher icon.
2018-10-29 19:59:02 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Initial commit
2018-10-29 15:49:42 -06:00