- Use the Navigation AAC to create the navigation from the Balances to the Send and Receive fragments, using Navigation's SafeArgs to activate the camera in SendTransactionFragment in the case the user tapped on the camera button instead ofjust the send button in the Balances.
- Remove the old MainActivity layout that included a BottomNavigationView.
- Start using the Navigation AAC and make the BalancesFragment the default Fragment so that it is the first to appear.
- Connected the SendTransactionFragment to Graphenej's NetworkService so that it can directly send requests to the nodes.
- Added the RxBus to SendTransactionsFragment so that it can listen to responses from the NetworkService and take the useful ones.
- Added account validation to SendTransactionFragment, if the account typed exists then the Send button is enabled, if not the button is disabled an a error is shown below the typed account.
- Properly distroy NetworkService connection when ConnectedActivty is distroyed to avoid crashes.
- Created UserAccountRepository and AuthorityRepository to handle their corresponding database operations in an asynchronous way, because Room enforces database operations to be done in a thread other than the UI thread.
- In ImportBrainkeyActivity when a proper brainkey is given save the imported account into the database, put a flag that tells the app there is a current account imported and send the user to MainActivity.