Severiano Jaramillo
Add date field to TransferDetails model and correctly format and display it in the Transactions list.
2018-12-21 23:33:58 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Added ppGren to the colors resource, which is the PalmPay green and used that color in the connected status icon and the color of the latencies < 400ms.
2018-12-21 21:55:17 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Create FullNodesAdapter to display a live updated list of the nodes the app is watching and also the one it is connected to. This list is displayed inside a dialog that pops when the user clicks the status icon in the Settings Footer. The dialog also shows the live updated BitShares Block Number
2018-12-21 20:55:36 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Connect SettingsFragment to graphenej's NetworkService and use the onServiceConnected and onServiceDisconnected to change the connection status icon in the footer accordingly.
2018-12-21 20:14:31 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Add a footer to the SettingsFragment, which contains the app logo, the app name, version name and the Connection status icon.
2018-12-21 18:40:35 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Avoid sharing the QR code image if the fields are not filled correctly
2018-12-21 18:24:39 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
- Add a FileProvider to the Manifest, to enable the app to share images with other applications.
- Modify the method that creates a temp image of the screenshot to use the FileProvider described above.
- Improve ReceiveTransactionFragment UI so that the QR screenshot looks nicely spaced.
2018-12-21 18:12:34 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Change the merchants and ambs webservice url.
2018-12-21 13:05:35 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Add the share menu icon to the ReceiveTransactionFragment toolbar, verify for the storage permission required to store a temp image of the QR code when the sare icon is tapped and create a temp image of the QR code to be used later to send a share intent to the Andriod System so that it shows the user a list of options for him to select his preferred one.
2018-12-20 20:28:31 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Center text vertically below QR code and fix Please Pay string.
2018-12-20 18:06:11 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Add the BitShares icon to the Main screen toolbar and update the toolbar background so that it automatically uses the primaryColor of the selected theme.
2018-12-20 16:40:48 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Set the 'Automatically close BiTSy after 3 minutes of inactivity' feature on by default.
2018-12-20 14:17:50 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Change the font used in the entire appto PFBeauSansPro.
2018-12-20 14:02:39 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Improve AutoSuggestAssetAdapter to use Bitsy's Asset model, which has a 'toString' method to automatically show the symbol of the AssetSelected in the AutoCompleteTextView. Also Add a variable to avoid clearing the QR code just after the user selects an Asset from the AutoComplete suggestions.
2018-12-20 13:57:47 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
- Add a responseMap (HashMap) to ConnectedActivity so that it only reacts to calls it has made.
- Create AutoSuggestAssetAdapter which is used in the ReceiveTransactionFragment's AutoCompleteTextView to show suggestions backed by the response from queries to the BitShares nodes, according to what the user has already typed in the text field.
2018-12-20 13:34:11 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
In ReceiveTransactionFragment, add an 'Other...' option at the end of the assets spinner and when the user selects it an AutoCompleteTextView appears below where the user can select other asset, the AutoCompleteTextView suggestions will be backed by BitShares node queries to show matching Assets.
2018-12-20 09:59:10 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Create AssetsAdapter and use it to populate the asset spinner in the ReceiveTransactionFragment, so the user the asset he wants to receive.
2018-12-20 08:48:48 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Use the NetworkService's GetAssets call to obtain the information of missing Assets and store it into the database, this enables us to remove the DatabaseLoad Activity and new assets information is downloaded as needed.
2018-12-19 20:25:58 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Updated graphenej gitlink
2018-12-19 19:55:33 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Update Bitsy's app icon.
2018-12-19 19:34:46 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Add Transactions toolbar menu items with their respective icons.
2018-12-19 10:08:24 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Create BounceTouchListener class in the project and use it to add a Bouncy effect to the Transactions items when the user tries to overscroll.
2018-12-19 09:43:09 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Update the Navigation component library version and Gradle version.
- Add simple slide in and out transition animations to the Send and Receive Transaction Fragments.
2018-12-19 09:24:56 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Request merchants locations from the webservice and add them to the Merchants map.
2018-12-18 09:27:26 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Add slide-in animation when the Transactions items are loaded into the screen.
2018-12-18 08:51:45 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Sort Balances alphabetically by symbol and place the asset symbol to the left and the balance amount to the right.
2018-12-18 07:55:04 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Add BalanceView model and a method into it that is always observing the database and when it detects that there is missing assets information creates a list of such missing assets and fires an event to obtain the said information.
2018-12-18 07:37:21 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Avoid a crash in SendTransactionFragment when there are no assets loaded into de db.
2018-12-17 16:51:24 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Remove DatabaseLoadActivity and all related code.
2018-12-17 15:46:44 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Enable just the best 7 BitShares nodes for the Mexico region.
- Disable the Memo field for now, we will fix and enable it later.
2018-12-15 10:19:58 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Added code to fetch the merchants locations from the palmapay intranet web service.
2018-12-14 18:46:01 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Fix crash when trying to insert an account that already exists in the database.
2018-12-14 16:02:00 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Add Firebase required libraries and configuration to Bitsy and enable Crashlytics.
2018-12-14 15:23:12 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
- Add the required libraries to fetch the merchants data from the web service.
- Create methods to redraw the Balances and NetWorth fragments each time they appear to the user, to temporarily avoid them not displaying correctly after returing from another screen or when changing the theme.
2018-12-14 14:20:16 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Added a map to the Merchants section with the default values and using the Google Maps API key Tadeo created when he was working on the project.
2018-12-14 12:12:42 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Add google maps library.
2018-12-14 11:42:05 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Found that enabling ProGuard's minify for the debug version breaks the debugger breakpoints functionality, minify was disabled until a solution is found.
2018-12-14 11:12:30 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
- Add a third tab to the Balances/Networth Tablayout which contains only a Pie chart as the title but has no content yet.
- Lighten up the above tabs that are not the current selected one. They are still grayed but just a bit.
2018-12-14 10:23:01 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Enabled proguard for both debug and release versions and fixed the gradle warnings related to proguard unsatisfied rules in a correct way without ignoring all possible warnings.
2018-12-14 09:54:02 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Change settings icon to outlined.
2018-12-13 20:56:18 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Create a new BalancesFragment and NetWorthFragment which are used in the HomeFragment's second card. The Balances is already working but the NetWorth only shows a 'Coming soon' notice.
2018-12-13 20:53:38 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Create the menus for Balances and Net Worth that make use of a customized TabLayout and a ViewPager to obtain the desired effect.
- Created custom themed attribute colorBackgroundFocusable to assign the correct background color to the balances and net worth tabs.
- Renamed BalancesFragment to HomeFragment because, the BalancesFragment will now only be used to display the Balances in the above mentioned ViewPager.
2018-12-13 20:21:03 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Improve Balances' Material cards to show nice elevation with shadows.
2018-12-13 16:57:58 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
- Update the MaterialDialogs library version.
- Add the functionality to the Settings BrainKey's View & Show button. It first fetches the brainkey from the authorities db table and then shows it in a custom MaterialDialog so that the user can view and copy it.
2018-12-13 16:01:26 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Add functionality to the Settings 'Automatically close BiTSy after 3 minutes of inactivity', the user selection is saved into the SharedPreferences and if it happens to be true then the app will close when that time amount of inactivity happens.
2018-12-13 14:29:32 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Add methods to automatically change the theme to night mode when the user selects it and also avoid a crash in the TransfersLoader.
2018-12-13 13:10:19 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Add Send/Receive text below the Send/Receive buttons in the Balances screen and improve its layout so they are always centered both vertically and horizontally.
2018-12-13 12:47:25 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Replaced SettingsActivity with SettingsFragmet and created the Navigation methods to hook the Balances' Settings toolbar icon with the Settings fragment so it automatically opens when the icon is tapped.
2018-12-13 12:34:42 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
Improve Transactions' cards UI.
2018-12-13 11:49:57 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
- Add Navigation's SafeArgs plugin to the project, this plugin enables to pass arguments between fragments in a safe way.
- Use the Navigation AAC to create the navigation from the Balances to the Send and Receive fragments, using Navigation's SafeArgs to activate the camera in SendTransactionFragment in the case the user tapped on the camera button instead ofjust the send button in the Balances.
2018-12-13 11:24:18 -06:00