- Remove the old MainActivity layout that included a BottomNavigationView.
- Start using the Navigation AAC and make the BalancesFragment the default Fragment so that it is the first to appear.
- Connected the SendTransactionFragment to Graphenej's NetworkService so that it can directly send requests to the nodes.
- Added the RxBus to SendTransactionsFragment so that it can listen to responses from the NetworkService and take the useful ones.
- Added account validation to SendTransactionFragment, if the account typed exists then the Send button is enabled, if not the button is disabled an a error is shown below the typed account.
- Properly distroy NetworkService connection when ConnectedActivty is distroyed to avoid crashes.
- Created UserAccountRepository and AuthorityRepository to handle their corresponding database operations in an asynchronous way, because Room enforces database operations to be done in a thread other than the UI thread.
- In ImportBrainkeyActivity when a proper brainkey is given save the imported account into the database, put a flag that tells the app there is a current account imported and send the user to MainActivity.