- Updated the Android Gradle Plugin to version 7.2.1.
- Updated Google services Gradle Plugin to version 4.3.10.
- Updated Crashlytics Gradle Plugin to version 2.5.2.
- Updated Gradle version to 7.4.2.
- Updated reference to graphehej lib.
- JCenter is one of the places from where we were getting libraries for the app, however JCenter is shutting down: https://jeroenmols.com/blog/2021/02/04/migratingjcenter/. We have to obtain our libraries from elsewhere, fortunatley all the libraries that we need are now available in MavenCentral.
- The com.jraska.livedata:testing-ktx dependency was introduced to be able to test LiveData, however that dependency has not been migrated away from JCenter (to mavenCentral). Also, we are able to provide a similar functionality with an extension function, and that is what I did.
- Added the new Firebase Android BoM (Bill of Materials), to easily manage Firebase libraries: https://firebase.google.com/docs/android/learn-more#bom.
- Updated the Gradle, Google Services and Crashlytics gradle plugins.
- Updated the Navigation architecture component library to the latest stable version, with no big changes required.
- Updated the Lifecycle architecture component library to the latest stable version, along with a bunch of changes related to the deprecation of some methods and the addition of others.
- Updated a bunch of libraries, fixed a couple of issues, and tested everything else worked correctly.
- Updated both compileSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion to 29 (Android 10).
- Use the Navigation AAC to create the navigation from the Balances to the Send and Receive fragments, using Navigation's SafeArgs to activate the camera in SendTransactionFragment in the case the user tapped on the camera button instead ofjust the send button in the Balances.