Commit graph

74 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Severiano Jaramillo
14a4f79cb2 Added the BrainKey Bitshares dictionary as a text file in the app assets and make use of it to automatically generate BrainKeys in CreateAccountActivity when the user is trying to create a new account. 2019-01-05 16:30:57 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
991967cd7d Created CreateAccountFragment with its layout and the methods to show it when the user clicks the 'Create' button in the ImportBrainkeyFragment using Navigation AAC. 2019-01-05 15:23:42 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
2dd843fe91 Removed ImportBrainkeyActivity and created ImportBrainkeyFragment instead, with this the app is now using a single activity and all the content is divided in fragments. All the navigation inside the app is now controlled by the AAC Navigation component. 2019-01-04 16:50:56 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
58e1e0a575 Removed LicenseActivity and created LicenseFragment instead, to comply with the proposed app architecture using the AAC Navigation component where there is only one Activity and all the views are represented by Fragments. 2019-01-04 15:53:29 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
f32bfc567b Created info dialog in SendTransactionFragment using the MaterialDialog library, which shows an explanation of the fields on that screen. 2019-01-03 12:45:28 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
2643b0af4d When the send button is disabled in SendTransactionFragment the background view is also 'disabled' changing its color to a lighter gray. 2019-01-03 10:47:58 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
8eed991e0e Created Kotlin etension functions to add a enabled/disabled functionality to FloatingActionButtons. This is used in the SendTransactionFragment to show the Send button as disabled when the information to send a transaction is not all correct. 2019-01-03 09:11:58 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
1b4de3fb1e Make camera and send buttons red in SendTransactionFragment. 2019-01-03 08:26:21 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
ddf7f16c2b Create FilterOptionsDialog, which opens when the user clicks the filter icon in the Transactions toolbar. This dialog communicates back a forth with the TransactionsFragment to update the selected filter options via the OnFilterOptionsSelectedListener interface. 2018-12-26 11:59:02 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
4b16a90870 Fix nodes dialog's node text style. 2018-12-23 15:34:45 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
f8e5a84da8 Remove Settings status footer and added instead a line below General's Night mode, View Network Status whith an icon that shows the current network status. When clicked it opens the Nodes dialog. Changed Nodes dialog title to show the current app version and added the block number as a single line below it. 2018-12-23 15:10:44 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
c4fd79f22c Create FullNodesAdapter to display a live updated list of the nodes the app is watching and also the one it is connected to. This list is displayed inside a dialog that pops when the user clicks the status icon in the Settings Footer. The dialog also shows the live updated BitShares Block Number 2018-12-21 20:55:36 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
ae8a2f17e3 Add a footer to the SettingsFragment, which contains the app logo, the app name, version name and the Connection status icon. 2018-12-21 18:40:35 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
5240e88e1f - Add a FileProvider to the Manifest, to enable the app to share images with other applications.
- Modify the method that creates a temp image of the screenshot to use the FileProvider described above.
- Improve ReceiveTransactionFragment UI so that the QR screenshot looks nicely spaced.
2018-12-21 18:12:34 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
62fdc6a3e4 Add the share menu icon to the ReceiveTransactionFragment toolbar, verify for the storage permission required to store a temp image of the QR code when the sare icon is tapped and create a temp image of the QR code to be used later to send a share intent to the Andriod System so that it shows the user a list of options for him to select his preferred one. 2018-12-20 20:28:31 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
e3bea9f475 Center text vertically below QR code and fix Please Pay string. 2018-12-20 18:06:11 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
4beec4e66a Add the BitShares icon to the Main screen toolbar and update the toolbar background so that it automatically uses the primaryColor of the selected theme. 2018-12-20 16:40:48 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
8fd7c28256 In ReceiveTransactionFragment, add an 'Other...' option at the end of the assets spinner and when the user selects it an AutoCompleteTextView appears below where the user can select other asset, the AutoCompleteTextView suggestions will be backed by BitShares node queries to show matching Assets. 2018-12-20 09:59:10 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
e8ec0e6f89 Create AssetsAdapter and use it to populate the asset spinner in the ReceiveTransactionFragment, so the user the asset he wants to receive. 2018-12-20 08:48:48 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
26e1e427c9 Add Transactions toolbar menu items with their respective icons. 2018-12-19 10:08:24 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
cee1753184 Create BounceTouchListener class in the project and use it to add a Bouncy effect to the Transactions items when the user tries to overscroll. 2018-12-19 09:43:09 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
89cf6f3df2 Add slide-in animation when the Transactions items are loaded into the screen. 2018-12-18 08:51:45 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
dc7decfb77 Sort Balances alphabetically by symbol and place the asset symbol to the left and the balance amount to the right. 2018-12-18 07:55:04 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
f8c9594602 Remove DatabaseLoadActivity and all related code. 2018-12-17 15:46:44 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
5ddce2a33f Added a map to the Merchants section with the default values and using the Google Maps API key Tadeo created when he was working on the project. 2018-12-14 12:12:42 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
f76f293811 - Add a third tab to the Balances/Networth Tablayout which contains only a Pie chart as the title but has no content yet.
- Lighten up the above tabs that are not the current selected one. They are still grayed but just a bit.
2018-12-14 10:23:01 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
8d25b92063 Create a new BalancesFragment and NetWorthFragment which are used in the HomeFragment's second card. The Balances is already working but the NetWorth only shows a 'Coming soon' notice. 2018-12-13 20:53:38 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
a608ec162a Create the menus for Balances and Net Worth that make use of a customized TabLayout and a ViewPager to obtain the desired effect.
- Created custom themed attribute colorBackgroundFocusable to assign the correct background color to the balances and net worth tabs.
- Renamed BalancesFragment to HomeFragment because, the BalancesFragment will now only be used to display the Balances in the above mentioned ViewPager.
2018-12-13 20:21:03 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
dd290a4b2c Improve Balances' Material cards to show nice elevation with shadows. 2018-12-13 16:57:58 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
8f0026c205 - Update the MaterialDialogs library version.
- Add the functionality to the Settings BrainKey's View & Show button. It first fetches the brainkey from the authorities db table and then shows it in a custom MaterialDialog so that the user can view and copy it.
2018-12-13 16:01:26 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
f45d9055c3 Add functionality to the Settings 'Automatically close BiTSy after 3 minutes of inactivity', the user selection is saved into the SharedPreferences and if it happens to be true then the app will close when that time amount of inactivity happens. 2018-12-13 14:29:32 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
ffebc39bcf Add Send/Receive text below the Send/Receive buttons in the Balances screen and improve its layout so they are always centered both vertically and horizontally. 2018-12-13 12:47:25 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
5a6b098f38 Replaced SettingsActivity with SettingsFragmet and created the Navigation methods to hook the Balances' Settings toolbar icon with the Settings fragment so it automatically opens when the icon is tapped. 2018-12-13 12:34:42 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
1565bab28c Improve Transactions' cards UI. 2018-12-13 11:49:57 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
22666021f1 - Add Navigation's SafeArgs plugin to the project, this plugin enables to pass arguments between fragments in a safe way.
- Use the Navigation AAC to create the navigation from the Balances to the Send and Receive fragments, using Navigation's SafeArgs to activate the camera in SendTransactionFragment in the case the user tapped on the camera button instead ofjust the send button in the Balances.
2018-12-13 11:24:18 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
6e25dd7589 Create new Balances layout with the send and receive buttons at the top and the user balances at the bottom per Ken's design. 2018-12-13 10:16:57 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
2619541e16 - Create and add the new Transactions, Merchants and Settings icons and use them in the Balances toolbar.
- Remove the transactions section from the Balances fragment.
- Create a new TransactionsFragment which hosts the list of trasactions.
- Add the transactions destination to the navigation graph so that the Navigation component automatically handles the transition when the transactions icon is selected in Balances.
2018-12-13 08:20:17 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
3d6ce645b5 Make proper configurations to enable the Navigation component and make use of it to add the navigation to the Merchants fragment and back to the Balances fragment. 2018-12-12 21:30:27 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
82efa60a36 Introduce the new Android Architecture Components' Navigation.
- Remove the old MainActivity layout that included a BottomNavigationView.
- Start using the Navigation AAC and make the BalancesFragment the default Fragment so that it is the first to appear.
2018-12-12 20:56:20 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
410d22c5b0 Create Settings screen layout. 2018-12-11 16:22:55 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
2dc0deb23f Improve ImportBrainkeyActivity by automatically showing errors if the PIN is not long enough, the PIN Confirmation does not match or if the brainkey does not have the correct format as the user types but with a small debunce to avoid showing errors while the user is typing. Once the three fields are correct then the Import button is enabled. 2018-12-11 13:25:15 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
04b509651b - Adjusted how the Android virtual keyboard appears on the screen so that it does not distort the QR code image.
- Created a method to update the QR code when the user updates the Amount text field information, using RxJava debounce to avoid calls while the user is still typing.
- Created a method to remove the QR when there is no Asset selected.
2018-12-07 15:18:23 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
b9a765e682 Create custom AutoCompleteTextView which can be used inside of a TextInputLayout to show a nice square with the suggestion like the other text fields used in the app. 2018-12-07 12:17:45 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
39073e3d9c Added method in ReceiveTransactionFragment to generate QR codes encoded using BitShares merchant protocol. 2018-12-06 21:33:40 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
dca3e6872d Create ReceiveTransactionFragment layout. 2018-12-06 19:09:36 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
53479f8837 - Add a amount verification to the SendTransactionFragment to ensure the user has at least that amount of the selected asset in his account.
- Show the balance of the current selected asset below the asset Spinner.
- Enable the send transaction button only after verifying that both the to account and the amount are both valid.
2018-12-05 21:49:26 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
5388e90331 Add methods to remember the currently selected Spinner's Asset and make sure that selection is not lost when the balances table is updated. Make an improvement to the camera feed UI. 2018-12-05 10:10:45 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
2aa685d1da - Create AssetsAdapter to populate the Assets Spinner in SendTransactionFragment.
- Use BalanceDetailViewModel to fetch the Balance details from the database and pass them to the AssetsAdapter.
2018-12-04 15:49:22 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
fa2c7a07d8 Add camera permission to Manifest to be able to use camera in the app to read QR codes.
- Add methods to SendTransactionFragment to request camera permission and start/stop the camera preview accordingly.
2018-12-04 11:33:58 -06:00
Severiano Jaramillo
95404708a9 Create SendTransactionFragment layout similar to Crystal's 2018-12-03 17:22:21 -06:00