* Enable ViewBinding
- Migrate MainActivity to ViewBinding.
- Migrate HomeFragment to ViewBinding.
* Migrate a batch of Fragments to ViewBinding.
- Migrate BalancesFragment to ViewBinding.
- Migrate CreateAccountFragment to ViewBinding.
- Migrate EReceiptFragment to ViewBinding.
- Migrate FilterOptionsDialog to ViewBinding.
- Migrate HomeFragment to ViewBinding.
* Migrate another batch of Fragments to ViewBinding.
- Migrate ImportBrainkeyFragment to ViewBinding.
- Migrate LicenseFragment to ViewBinding.
- Migrate MerchantsFragment to ViewBinding.
- Migrate NetWorthFragment to ViewBinding.
- Migrate PatternSecurityLockDialog to ViewBinding.
* Migrate final batch of Fragments to ViewBinding.
- Migrate PINSecurityLockScreen to ViewBinding.
- Migrate ReceiveTransactionFragment to ViewBinding.
- Migrate SendTransactionFragment to ViewBinding.
- Migrate SettingsFragment to ViewBinding.
- Migrate TransactionsFragment to ViewBinding.
* Migrate to the kotlin-parcelize plugin.
- Get rid of the deprecated kotlin-android-extensions plugin.
- Remove the old MainActivity layout that included a BottomNavigationView.
- Start using the Navigation AAC and make the BalancesFragment the default Fragment so that it is the first to appear.