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package cy.agorise.bitsybitshareswallet.fragments
import android.content.ComponentName
import android.os.Bundle
import android.os.Handler
import android.os.IBinder
import android.util.Log
import android.view.LayoutInflater
import android.view.View
import android.view.ViewGroup
import androidx.appcompat.widget.Toolbar
import androidx.navigation.Navigation
import com.afollestad.materialdialogs.MaterialDialog
import com.afollestad.materialdialogs.callbacks.onDismiss
import com.afollestad.materialdialogs.list.customListAdapter
import com.afollestad.materialdialogs.list.listItemsSingleChoice
import com.jakewharton.rxbinding3.widget.textChanges
import cy.agorise.bitsybitshareswallet.BuildConfig
import cy.agorise.bitsybitshareswallet.R
import cy.agorise.bitsybitshareswallet.adapters.FullNodesAdapter
import cy.agorise.bitsybitshareswallet.utils.Constants
import cy.agorise.bitsybitshareswallet.utils.toast
import cy.agorise.graphenej.*
import cy.agorise.graphenej.api.ConnectionStatusUpdate
import cy.agorise.graphenej.api.calls.GetAccounts
import cy.agorise.graphenej.api.calls.GetDynamicGlobalProperties
import cy.agorise.graphenej.api.calls.GetKeyReferences
import cy.agorise.graphenej.models.AccountProperties
import cy.agorise.graphenej.models.DynamicGlobalProperties
import cy.agorise.graphenej.models.JsonRpcResponse
import org.bitcoinj.core.ECKey
import java.text.NumberFormat
import java.util.ArrayList
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
class ImportBrainkeyFragment : BaseAccountFragment() {
companion object {
private const val TAG = "ImportBrainkeyFragment"
/** User account associated with the key derived from the brainkey that the user just typed in */
private var mUserAccount: UserAccount? = null
* List of user account candidates, this is required in order to allow the user to select a single
* user account in case one key (derived from the brainkey) controls more than one account.
private var mUserAccountCandidates: List<UserAccount>? = null
private var mKeyReferencesAttempts = 0
private var keyReferencesRequestId: Long? = null
private var getAccountsRequestId: Long? = null
private var isPINValid = false
private var isPINConfirmationValid = false
private var isBrainKeyValid = false
// Dialog displaying the list of nodes and their latencies
private var mNodesDialog: MaterialDialog? = null
/** Adapter that holds the FullNode list used in the Bitshares nodes modal */
private var nodesAdapter: FullNodesAdapter? = null
/** Handler that will be used to make recurrent calls to get the latest BitShares block number*/
private val mHandler = Handler()
override fun onCreateView(inflater: LayoutInflater, container: ViewGroup?, savedInstanceState: Bundle?): View? {
// Remove up navigation icon from the toolbar
val toolbar: Toolbar? = activity?.findViewById(
toolbar?.navigationIcon = null
return inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_import_brainkey, container, false)
override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState)
Crashlytics.setString(Constants.CRASHLYTICS_KEY_LAST_SCREEN, TAG)
// Use RxJava Debounce to update the PIN error only after the user stops writing for > 500 ms
.debounce(500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
{ validatePIN() },
{ Crashlytics.log(Log.DEBUG, TAG, it.message) }
// Use RxJava Debounce to update the PIN Confirmation error only after the user stops writing for > 500 ms
.debounce(500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
{ validatePINConfirmation() },
{ Crashlytics.log(Log.DEBUG, TAG, it.message) }
// Use RxJava Debounce to update the BrainKey error only after the user stops writing for > 500 ms
.debounce(500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
.map { it.toString().trim() }
{ validateBrainKey(it) },
{ Crashlytics.log(Log.DEBUG, TAG, it.message) }
btnImport.isEnabled = false
btnImport.setOnClickListener { verifyBrainKey(false) }
btnCreate.setOnClickListener (
tvNetworkStatus.setOnClickListener { v -> showNodesDialog(v) }
private fun showNodesDialog(v: View) {
if (mNetworkService != null) {
val fullNodes = mNetworkService!!.nodes
nodesAdapter = FullNodesAdapter(v.context)
// PublishSubject used to announce full node latencies updates
val fullNodePublishSubject = mNetworkService!!.nodeLatencyObservable ?: return
val nodesDisposable = fullNodePublishSubject
{ fullNode ->
if (!fullNode.isRemoved)
}, {
Log.e(TAG, "nodeLatencyObserver.onError.Msg: " + it.message)
mNodesDialog = MaterialDialog(v.context).show {
title(text = String.format("%s v%s", getString(R.string.app_name), BuildConfig.VERSION_NAME))
message(text = getString(R.string.title__bitshares_nodes_dialog, "-------"))
customListAdapter(nodesAdapter as FullNodesAdapter)
onDismiss {
// Registering a recurrent task used to poll for dynamic global properties requests
private fun validatePIN() {
val pin = tietPin.text.toString()
if (pin.length < Constants.MIN_PIN_LENGTH) {
tilPin.error = getString(R.string.error__pin_too_short)
isPINValid = false
} else {
tilPin.isErrorEnabled = false
isPINValid = true
private fun validatePINConfirmation() {
val pinConfirmation = tietPinConfirmation.text.toString()
if (pinConfirmation != tietPin.text.toString()) {
tilPinConfirmation.error = getString(R.string.error__pin_mismatch)
isPINConfirmationValid = false
} else {
tilPinConfirmation.isErrorEnabled = false
isPINConfirmationValid = true
private fun validateBrainKey(brainKey: String) {
if (brainKey.isEmpty() || !brainKey.contains(" ") || brainKey.split(" ").size !in 12..16) {
tilBrainKey.error = getString(R.string.error__enter_correct_brainkey)
isBrainKeyValid = false
} else {
tilBrainKey.isErrorEnabled = false
isBrainKeyValid = true
private fun enableDisableImportButton() {
btnImport.isEnabled = (isPINValid && isPINConfirmationValid && isBrainKeyValid)
* Method that will verify the provided brain key, and if valid will retrieve the account information
* associated to the user id.
* This method will perform a network lookup to look which accounts use the public key associated
* with the user provided brainkey.
* Some sources use brainkeys in capital letters, while others use lowercase. The activity should
* initially call this method with the 'switchCase' parameter as false, in order to try the
* brainkey as it was provided by the user.
* But in case this lookup fails, it is expected that the activity makes another attempt. This time
* with the 'switchCase' argument set to true.
* If both attempts fail, then we can be certain that the provided brainkey is not currently
* associated with any account.
* @param switchCase Whether to switch the case used in the brainkey or not.
private fun verifyBrainKey(switchCase: Boolean) {
//showDialog("", getString(R.string.importing_your_wallet))
val brainKey = tietBrainKey.text.toString().trim()
// Should we switch the brainkey case?
if (switchCase) {
if (Character.isUpperCase(brainKey.toCharArray()[brainKey.length - 1])) {
// If the last character is an uppercase, we assume the whole brainkey
// was given in capital letters and turn it to lowercase
} else {
// Otherwise we turn the whole brainkey to capital letters
} else {
// If no case switching should take place, we perform the network call with
// the brainkey as it was provided to us.
* Method that will send a network request asking for all the accounts that make use of the
* key derived from a give brain key.
* @param brainKey The brain key the user has just typed
private fun getAccountFromBrainkey(brainKey: String) {
mBrainKey = BrainKey(brainKey, 0)
val address = Address(ECKey.fromPublicOnly(mBrainKey!!.privateKey.pubKey))
Log.d(TAG, String.format("Brainkey would generate address: %s", address.toString()))
keyReferencesRequestId = mNetworkService?.sendMessage(GetKeyReferences(address), GetKeyReferences.REQUIRED_API)
override fun handleJsonRpcResponse(response: JsonRpcResponse<*>) {
if ( == keyReferencesRequestId) {
} else if ( == getAccountsRequestId) {
} else if (response.result is DynamicGlobalProperties) {
val dynamicGlobalProperties = response.result as DynamicGlobalProperties
if (mNodesDialog != null && mNodesDialog?.isShowing == true) {
val blockNumber = NumberFormat.getInstance().format(dynamicGlobalProperties.head_block_number)
mNodesDialog?.message(text = getString(R.string.title__bitshares_nodes_dialog, blockNumber))
override fun handleConnectionStatusUpdate(connectionStatusUpdate: ConnectionStatusUpdate) {
Log.d(TAG, "handleConnectionStatusUpdate. code: " + connectionStatusUpdate.updateCode)
* Handles the response from the NetworkService when the app asks for the accounts that are controlled by a
* specified BrainKey
private fun handleBrainKeyAccountReferences(result: Any?) {
if (result !is List<*> || result[0] !is List<*>) {
val resp = result as List<List<UserAccount>>
val accountList: List<UserAccount> = resp[0].distinct()
if (accountList.isEmpty()) {
if (mKeyReferencesAttempts == 0) {
} else {
} else if (accountList.size == 1) {
// If we only found one account linked to this key, then we just proceed
// trying to find out the account name
mUserAccount = accountList[0]
getAccountsRequestId =
mNetworkService?.sendMessage(GetAccounts(mUserAccount), GetAccounts.REQUIRED_API)
} else {
// If we found more than one account linked to this key, we must also
// find out the account names, but the procedure is a bit different in
// that after having those, we must still ask the user to decide which
// account should be imported.
mUserAccountCandidates = accountList
getAccountsRequestId = mNetworkService?.sendMessage(
* Handles the response from the NetworkService when the app asks for the AccountProperties of a list of
* Accounts controlled by the given BrainKey
private fun handleAccountProperties(result: Any?) {
if (result is List<*> && result[0] is AccountProperties) {
val accountPropertiesList = result as List<AccountProperties>
if (accountPropertiesList.size > 1) {
val candidates = ArrayList<String>()
for (accountProperties in accountPropertiesList) {
.listItemsSingleChoice (items = candidates, initialSelection = -1) { _, index, _ ->
if (index >= 0) {
// If one account was selected, we keep a reference to it and
// store the account properties
mUserAccount = mUserAccountCandidates!![index]
onAccountSelected(accountPropertiesList[index], tietPin.text.toString())
.negativeButton(android.R.string.cancel) {
mKeyReferencesAttempts = 0
} else if (accountPropertiesList.size == 1) {
onAccountSelected(accountPropertiesList[0], tietPin.text.toString())
} else {
* Task used to obtain frequent updates on the global dynamic properties object
private val mRequestDynamicGlobalPropertiesTask = object : Runnable {
override fun run() {
if (mNetworkService != null) {
if (mNetworkService?.isConnected == true) {
mNetworkService?.sendMessage(GetDynamicGlobalProperties(), GetDynamicGlobalProperties.REQUIRED_API)
} else {
Log.d(TAG, "NetworkService exists but is not connected")
} else {
Log.d(TAG, "NetworkService reference is null")
mHandler.postDelayed(this, Constants.BLOCK_PERIOD)
override fun onServiceDisconnected(name: ComponentName?) {
tvNetworkStatus.setCompoundDrawablesRelativeWithIntrinsicBounds(null, null,
resources.getDrawable(R.drawable.ic_disconnected, null), null)
override fun onServiceConnected(name: ComponentName?, service: IBinder?) {
super.onServiceConnected(name, service)
tvNetworkStatus.setCompoundDrawablesRelativeWithIntrinsicBounds(null, null,
resources.getDrawable(R.drawable.ic_connected, null), null)