<stringname="button__create_new_account">Create new account</string>
<stringname="error__invalid_brainkey">No accounts controlled by the given brainkey where found, please check your brainkey for typing errors</string>
<stringname="error__try_again">Please try again after 5 minutes</string>
<stringname="dialog__account_candidates_title">Please select an account</string>
<stringname="dialog__account_candidates_content">The keys derived from this brainkey seem to be used to control more than one account, please select which account you wish to import</string>
<stringname="error__account_not_available">That account name is already taken.</string>
<stringname="text__account_is_available">Account is available</string>
<stringname="error__faucet">The server returned an error. This might be due to a limitation purposefully set in place to disallow frequent requests coming from the same IP address in a short time lapse. Please wait 5 minutes and try again, or switch to a different network, for example from wifi to cell.</string>
<stringname="error__faucet_template">The faucet returned an error. Msg: %1$s</string>
<stringname="error__created_account_not_found">The app could not retrieve information about the newly created account</string>
<stringname="msg__merchants_description">PalmPay merchants are the backbone of the new Crypto Economy. If you are looking for businesses that will accept your Cryptocurrency, then just use the Search and Map data below. More merchants will be added here as the PalmPay Ambassadors inform us.</string>
<stringname="msg__tellers_description">Tellers are people who will exchange your fiat currencies with cryptocurrencies, and vice versa. They also assist Merchants with fiat settlement.</string>
<stringname="msg__location_permission_necessary">Location permission is necessary to show your current location on the map.</string>
<stringname="msg__asset_balance_explanation">You can tap on the balance displayed to send all of that asset. Doing so will fill in the Amount field for you.</string>
<stringname="msg__memo_explanation">Entering a Memo is not required, but taking notes on why you sent the funds is nice for future reference. Memos are only visible to you and the person whom you sent funds to.</string>
<stringname="msg__network_fee_explanation">The Network fee is included in the amount that you want to send. For example, if you want to send 50 BTS, BiTSy will actually send ~50.21 BTS. The added 0.21 in this example is the Bitshares transaction fee plus 0.01% to the BiTSy Developer Team (typically ~1 cent).</string>
<stringname="text__qr_code">QR Code</string>
<stringname="msg__qr_code_explanation">You do not need to scan someone’s QR to send funds, but it does help you to avoid mistakes. Once you send funds from your account, they are gone forever, so always make sure the account name in the “To” field is correct.</string>
<stringname="msg__brainkey_description">BrainKey. Account recovery words that can be captured or copied, but not edited.</string>
<stringname="msg__brainkey_info">Write this down! Be sure you have 2 copies of this BrainKey in 2 secure locations in case of fire or loss. Security First! Anyone with access to your BrainKey can access the funds in your account!</string>
<stringname="button__view_and_copy">View & Copy</string>
<stringname="msg__upgrade_to_ltm">Upgrade to LifeTime Membership (LTM). Bitshares\' LTM accounts pay near-zero fees, get 80% cashback and bonuses for referrals.</string>
<stringname="button__upgrade_to_ltm">Upgrade to LTM</string>
<stringname="msg__account_upgrade_dialog">The Life Time Membership allows you to trade with a reduced set of network fees.\n\nIt will take effect to the current account "%1$s"\n\nIt does however come with a cost of around 100 USD paid in Bitshares.\n\nAre you sure you want to proceed?</string>