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package cy.agorise.bitsybitshareswallet.utils
import android.app.Application
import android.util.Log
import com.google.firebase.crashlytics.FirebaseCrashlytics
import cy.agorise.bitsybitshareswallet.database.BitsyDatabase
import cy.agorise.bitsybitshareswallet.network.NetworkServiceManager
import cy.agorise.bitsybitshareswallet.repositories.NodeRepository
import io.reactivex.plugins.RxJavaPlugins
import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineScope
import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers
import kotlinx.coroutines.Job
import kotlinx.coroutines.launch
class BitsyApplication : Application() {
* Coroutine Job used to create appScope and safely cancel all coroutines launched using it.
private val applicationJob = Job()
* Application level scope used to launch coroutines not tied to ViewModels or Activities/Fragments.
lateinit var appScope: CoroutineScope
private lateinit var mNodeRepository: NodeRepository
override fun onCreate() {
// Add RxJava error handler to avoid crashes when an error occurs on a RxJava operation, but still log the
// exception to Crashlytics so that we can fix the issues
RxJavaPlugins.setErrorHandler { throwable ->
Log.e("RxJava Error", throwable.message ?: "Unknown RxJava error")
appScope = CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.Main + applicationJob)
val nodeDao = BitsyDatabase.getDatabase(applicationContext)!!.nodeDao()
mNodeRepository = NodeRepository(nodeDao)
appScope.launch {
private suspend fun startNetworkServiceConnection() {
val (nodes, autoConnect) = mNodeRepository.getFormattedNodes()
val networkManager = NetworkServiceManager(nodes.split(","))
* Registering this class as a listener to all activity's callback cycle events, in order to
* better estimate when the user has left the app and it is safe to disconnect the websocket connection
// Fake call to onActivityResumed, because BiTSy is using a single activity and at the moment
// onActivityResumed is called the first time the app starts, the NetworkServiceManager has not
// been configured yet, thus causing the NetworkService to never connect.
// TODO try using ProcessLifecycleObserver
override fun onTerminate() {
// Cancel the job which also cancels the scopes created using it, i.e. appScope