#include #include #include #include "libp2p/os/memstream.h" #include "libp2p/utils/vector.h" #include "libp2p/utils/logger.h" #include "ipfs/cid/cid.h" #include "ipfs/core/http_request.h" #include "ipfs/importer/exporter.h" #include "ipfs/namesys/resolver.h" #include "ipfs/namesys/publisher.h" #include "ipfs/routing/routing.h" /** * Handles HttpRequest and HttpParam */ /*** * Build a new HttpRequest * @returns the newly allocated HttpRequest struct */ struct HttpRequest* ipfs_core_http_request_new() { struct HttpRequest* result = (struct HttpRequest*) malloc(sizeof(struct HttpRequest)); if (result != NULL) { result->command = NULL; result->sub_command = NULL; result->params = libp2p_utils_vector_new(1); result->arguments = libp2p_utils_vector_new(1); } return result; } /*** * Clean up resources of a HttpRequest struct * @param request the struct to destroy */ void ipfs_core_http_request_free(struct HttpRequest* request) { if (request != NULL) { //if (request->command != NULL) // free(request->command); //if (request->sub_command != NULL) // free(request->sub_command); if (request->params != NULL) { for(int i = 0; i < request->params->total; i++) { struct HttpParam* curr_param = (struct HttpParam*) libp2p_utils_vector_get(request->params, i); ipfs_core_http_param_free(curr_param); } libp2p_utils_vector_free(request->params); } if (request->arguments != NULL) { // arguments should not be dynamically allocated //for(int i = 0; i < request->arguments->total; i++) { // free((char*)libp2p_utils_vector_get(request->arguments, i)); //} libp2p_utils_vector_free(request->arguments); } free(request); } } struct HttpResponse* ipfs_core_http_response_new() { struct HttpResponse* response = (struct HttpResponse*) malloc(sizeof(struct HttpResponse)); if (response != NULL) { response->content_type = NULL; response->bytes = NULL; } return response; } void ipfs_core_http_response_free(struct HttpResponse* response) { if (response != NULL) { // NOTE: content_type should not be dynamically allocated if (response->bytes != NULL) free(response->bytes); free(response); } } /*** * Build a new HttpParam * @returns a newly allocated HttpParam struct */ struct HttpParam* ipfs_core_http_param_new() { struct HttpParam* param = (struct HttpParam*) malloc(sizeof(struct HttpParam)); if (param != NULL) { param->name = NULL; param->value = NULL; } return param; } /*** * Clean up resources allocated by a HttpParam struct * @param param the struct to destroy */ void ipfs_core_http_param_free(struct HttpParam* param) { if (param != NULL) { if (param->name != NULL) free(param->name); if (param->value != NULL) free(param->value); free(param); } } /*** * Handle processing of the "name" command * @param local_node the context * @param request the incoming request * @param response the response * @returns true(1) on success, false(0) otherwise */ int ipfs_core_http_process_name(struct IpfsNode* local_node, struct HttpRequest* request, struct HttpResponse** response) { int retVal = 0; char* path = NULL; char* result = NULL; if (request->arguments == NULL || request->arguments->total == 0) { libp2p_logger_error("http_request", "process_name: empty arguments\n"); return 0; } path = (char*) libp2p_utils_vector_get(request->arguments, 0); if (strcmp(request->sub_command, "resolve") == 0) { retVal = ipfs_namesys_resolver_resolve(local_node, path, 1, &result); if (retVal) { *response = ipfs_core_http_response_new(); struct HttpResponse* res = *response; res->content_type = "application/json"; res->bytes = (uint8_t*) malloc(strlen(local_node->identity->peer->id) + strlen(path) + 30); sprintf((char*)res->bytes, "{ \"Path\": \"%s\" }", result); res->bytes_size = strlen((char*)res->bytes); } free(result); } else if (strcmp(request->sub_command, "publish") == 0) { retVal = ipfs_namesys_publisher_publish(local_node, path); if (retVal) { *response = ipfs_core_http_response_new(); struct HttpResponse* res = *response; res->content_type = "application/json"; res->bytes = (uint8_t*) malloc(strlen(local_node->identity->peer->id) + strlen(path) + 30); sprintf((char*)res->bytes, "{ \"Name\": \"%s\"\n \"Value\": \"%s\" }", local_node->identity->peer->id, path); res->bytes_size = strlen((char*)res->bytes); } } return retVal; } /*** * Handle processing of the "object" command * @param local_node the context * @param request the incoming request * @param response the response * @returns true(1) on success, false(0) otherwise */ int ipfs_core_http_process_object(struct IpfsNode* local_node, struct HttpRequest* request, struct HttpResponse** response) { int retVal = 0; if (strcmp(request->sub_command, "get") == 0) { // do an object_get if (request->arguments->total == 1) { char* hash = (char*)libp2p_utils_vector_get(request->arguments, 0); struct Cid* cid; ipfs_cid_decode_hash_from_base58((unsigned char*)hash, strlen(hash), &cid); *response = ipfs_core_http_response_new(); struct HttpResponse* res = *response; res->content_type = "application/json"; FILE* response_file = open_memstream((char**)&res->bytes, &res->bytes_size); retVal = ipfs_exporter_object_cat_to_file(local_node, cid->hash, cid->hash_length, response_file); ipfs_cid_free(cid); fclose(response_file); } } return retVal; } int ipfs_core_http_process_dht_provide(struct IpfsNode* local_node, struct HttpRequest* request, struct HttpResponse** response) { int failedCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < request->arguments->total; i++) { char* hash = (char*)libp2p_utils_vector_get(request->arguments, i); struct Cid* cid; if (!ipfs_cid_decode_hash_from_base58((unsigned char*)hash, strlen(hash), &cid)) { failedCount++; continue; } if (!local_node->routing->Provide(local_node->routing, cid->hash, cid->hash_length)) { failedCount++; continue; } } *response = ipfs_core_http_response_new(); struct HttpResponse* res = *response; res->content_type = "application/json"; res->bytes = (uint8_t*) malloc(1024); if (!failedCount) { // complete success // TODO: do the right thing snprintf((char*)res->bytes, 1024, "{\n\t\"ID\": \"\"\n" \ "\t\"Type\": \"\"\n" "\t\"Responses\": [\n" "\t\t{\n" "\t\t\t\"ID\": \"\"\n" "\t\t\t\"Addrs\": [\n" "\t\t\t\t\"\"\n" "\t\t\t]\n" "\t\t}\n" "\t]\n" "\t\"Extra\": \"\"\n" "}\n" ); } else { // at least some failed // TODO: do the right thing snprintf((char*)res->bytes, 1024, "{\n\t\"ID\": \"\",\n" \ "\t\"Type\": \"\",\n" "\t\"Responses\": [\n" "\t\t{\n" "\t\t\t\"ID\": \"\",\n" "\t\t\t\"Addrs\": [\n" "\t\t\t\t\"\"\n" "\t\t\t]\n" "\t\t}\n" "\t],\n" "\t\"Extra\": \"\"\n" "}\n" ); } res->bytes_size = strlen((char*)res->bytes); return failedCount < request->arguments->total; } int ipfs_core_http_process_dht_get(struct IpfsNode* local_node, struct HttpRequest* request, struct HttpResponse** response) { int failedCount = 0; // for now, we can only handle 1 argument at a time if (request->arguments != NULL && request->arguments->total != 1) return 0; *response = ipfs_core_http_response_new(); struct HttpResponse* res = *response; res->content_type = "application/octet-stream"; for (int i = 0; i < request->arguments->total; i++) { char* hash = (char*)libp2p_utils_vector_get(request->arguments, i); struct Cid* cid; if (!ipfs_cid_decode_hash_from_base58((unsigned char*)hash, strlen(hash), &cid)) { failedCount++; continue; } if (!local_node->routing->GetValue(local_node->routing, cid->hash, cid->hash_length, (void**)&res->bytes, &res->bytes_size)) { failedCount++; continue; } //TODO: we need to handle multiple arguments } return failedCount < request->arguments->total; } /*** * process dht commands * @param local_node the context * @param request the request * @param response where to put the results * @returns true(1) on success, false(0) otherwise */ int ipfs_core_http_process_dht(struct IpfsNode* local_node, struct HttpRequest* request, struct HttpResponse** response) { int retVal = 0; if (strcmp(request->sub_command, "provide") == 0) { // do a dht provide retVal = ipfs_core_http_process_dht_provide(local_node, request, response); } else if (strcmp(request->sub_command, "get") == 0) { // do a dht get retVal = ipfs_core_http_process_dht_get(local_node, request, response); } return retVal; } /*** * Process the parameters passed in from an http request * @param local_node the context * @param request the request * @param response the response * @returns true(1) on success, false(0) otherwise. */ int ipfs_core_http_request_process(struct IpfsNode* local_node, struct HttpRequest* request, struct HttpResponse** response) { if (request == NULL) return 0; int retVal = 0; if (strcmp(request->command, "name") == 0) { retVal = ipfs_core_http_process_name(local_node, request, response); } else if (strcmp(request->command, "object") == 0) { retVal = ipfs_core_http_process_object(local_node, request, response); } else if (strcmp(request->command, "dht") == 0) { retVal = ipfs_core_http_process_dht(local_node, request, response); } return retVal; } /** * just builds the basics of an http api url * @param local_node where to get the ip and port * @returns a string in the form of "" (or whatever was in the config file for the API) */ char* ipfs_core_http_request_build_url_start(struct IpfsNode* local_node) { char* host = NULL; char port[10] = ""; struct MultiAddress* ma = multiaddress_new_from_string(local_node->repo->config->addresses->api); if (ma == NULL) return NULL; if (!multiaddress_get_ip_address(ma, &host)) { multiaddress_free(ma); return 0; } int portInt = multiaddress_get_ip_port(ma); sprintf(port, "%d", portInt); int len = 18 + strlen(host) + strlen(port); char* retVal = malloc(len); sprintf(retVal, "http://%s:%s/api/v0", host, port); free(host); multiaddress_free(ma); return retVal; } /*** * Adds commands to url * @param request the request * @param url the starting url, and will hold the results (i.e. * @returns true(1) on success, otherwise false(0) */ int ipfs_core_http_request_add_commands(struct HttpRequest* request, char** url) { // command int addl_length = strlen(request->command) + 2; char* string1 = (char*) malloc(strlen(*url) + addl_length); sprintf(string1, "%s/%s", *url, request->command); free(*url); *url = string1; // sub_command if (request->sub_command != NULL) { addl_length = strlen(request->sub_command) + 2; string1 = (char*) malloc(strlen(*url) + addl_length); sprintf(string1, "%s/%s", *url, request->sub_command); free(*url); *url = string1; } return 1; } /*** * Add parameters and arguments to the URL * @param request the request * @param url the url to continue to build */ int ipfs_core_http_request_add_parameters(struct HttpRequest* request, char** url) { // params if (request->params != NULL) { for (int i = 0; i < request->params->total; i++) { struct HttpParam* curr_param = (struct HttpParam*) libp2p_utils_vector_get(request->params, i); int len = strlen(curr_param->name) + strlen(curr_param->value) + 2; char* str = (char*) malloc(strlen(*url) + len); if (str == NULL) { return 0; } sprintf(str, "%s/%s=%s", *url, curr_param->name, curr_param->value); free(*url); *url = str; } } // args if (request->arguments != NULL) { int isFirst = 1; for(int i = 0; i < request->arguments->total; i++) { char* arg = (char*) libp2p_utils_vector_get(request->arguments, i); int len = strlen(arg) + strlen(*url) + 6; char* str = (char*) malloc(len); if (str == NULL) return 0; if (isFirst) sprintf(str, "%s?arg=%s", *url, arg); else sprintf(str, "%s&arg=%s", *url, arg); free(*url); *url = str; } } return 1; } struct curl_string { char* ptr; size_t len; }; size_t curl_cb(void* ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, struct curl_string* str) { size_t new_len = str->len + size * nmemb; str->ptr = realloc(str->ptr, new_len + 1); if (str->ptr != NULL) { memcpy(str->ptr + str->len, ptr, size*nmemb); str->ptr[new_len] = '\0'; str->len = new_len; } return size * nmemb; } /** * Do an HTTP Get to the local API * @param local_node the context * @param request the request * @param result the results * @returns true(1) on success, false(0) on error */ int ipfs_core_http_request_get(struct IpfsNode* local_node, struct HttpRequest* request, char** result) { if (request == NULL || request->command == NULL) return 0; char* url = ipfs_core_http_request_build_url_start(local_node); if (url == NULL) return 0; if (!ipfs_core_http_request_add_commands(request, &url)) { free(url); return 0; } if (!ipfs_core_http_request_add_parameters(request, &url)) { free(url); return 0; } // do the GET using libcurl CURL *curl; CURLcode res; struct curl_string s; s.len = 0; s.ptr = malloc(1); s.ptr[0] = '\0'; curl = curl_easy_init(); if (!curl) { return 0; } curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, url); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, curl_cb); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, &s); res = curl_easy_perform(curl); curl_easy_cleanup(curl); if (res == CURLE_OK) { if (strcmp(s.ptr, "404 page not found") != 0) *result = s.ptr; else res = -1; } else { libp2p_logger_error("http_request", "Results of [%s] returned failure. Return value: %d.\n", url, res); } return res == CURLE_OK; }