/*** * Here are the wrappers for the lightning database * NOTE: In this implementation, the database will contain the base32 encoded value * of the multihash key if the file exists on disk. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "lmdb.h" #include "libp2p/utils/logger.h" #include "libp2p/crypto/encoding/base58.h" #include "libp2p/os/utils.h" #include "libp2p/db/datastore.h" #include "ipfs/repo/fsrepo/lmdb_datastore.h" #include "ipfs/repo/fsrepo/journalstore.h" #include "libp2p/db/datastore.h" #include "varint.h" /** * Build a "value" section for a datastore record * @param record the data * @param result the data (usually a base32 of the cid hash) + the timestamp as varint * @param result_size the size of the result * @returns true(1) on success, otherwise 0 */ int repo_fsrepo_lmdb_encode_record(struct DatastoreRecord* record, uint8_t **result, size_t *result_size) { // turn timestamp into varint uint8_t ts_varint[8]; size_t num_bytes; if (varint_encode(record->timestamp, &ts_varint[0], 8, &num_bytes) == NULL) { return 0; } // make new structure *result = (uint8_t *) malloc(num_bytes + record->value_size); if (*result == NULL) { return 0; } memcpy(*result, ts_varint, num_bytes); memcpy(&(*result)[num_bytes], record->value, record->value_size); *result_size = record->value_size + num_bytes; return 1; } /** * turn lmdb components into a DatastoreRecord structure * @param key the key that we searched for in the database * @param value the result of the search * @param record the complete structure * @returns true(1) on success, false(0) otherwise */ int repo_fsrepo_lmdb_build_record(MDB_val *key, MDB_val *value, struct DatastoreRecord** record) { *record = libp2p_datastore_record_new(); if (*record != NULL) { size_t varint_size = 0; struct DatastoreRecord *rec = *record; // set key rec->key_size = key->mv_size; rec->key = (uint8_t *) malloc(rec->key_size); if (rec->key == NULL) { libp2p_datastore_record_free(*record); *record = NULL; return 0; } memcpy(rec->key, key->mv_data, key->mv_size); // set value rec->timestamp = varint_decode(value->mv_data, value->mv_size, &varint_size); rec->value_size = value->mv_size - varint_size; rec->value = (uint8_t *) malloc(rec->value_size); if (rec->value == NULL) { libp2p_datastore_record_free(*record); *record = NULL; return 0; } uint8_t *val = (uint8_t*) value->mv_data; memcpy(rec->value, &val[varint_size], rec->value_size); } return 1; } /*** * retrieve a record from the database and put in a pre-sized buffer * @param key the key to look for * @param key_size the length of the key * @param record where to put the results * @param datastore where to look for the data * @returns true(1) on success */ int repo_fsrepo_lmdb_get(const unsigned char* key, size_t key_size, struct DatastoreRecord **record, const struct Datastore* datastore) { MDB_txn* mdb_txn; MDB_dbi mdb_dbi; struct MDB_val db_key; struct MDB_val db_value; MDB_env* mdb_env = (MDB_env*)datastore->handle; if (mdb_env == NULL) return 0; // debug size_t b58size = 100; uint8_t *b58key = (uint8_t *) malloc(b58size); libp2p_crypto_encoding_base58_encode(key, key_size, &b58key, &b58size); libp2p_logger_debug("lmdb_datastore", "Looking for key %s in datastore.\n", b58key); free(b58key); // open transaction if (mdb_txn_begin(mdb_env, NULL, 0, &mdb_txn) != 0) return 0; if (mdb_dbi_open(mdb_txn, "DATASTORE", MDB_DUPSORT | MDB_CREATE, &mdb_dbi) != 0) { mdb_txn_commit(mdb_txn); return 0; } // prepare data db_key.mv_size = key_size; db_key.mv_data = (char*)key; if (mdb_get(mdb_txn, mdb_dbi, &db_key, &db_value) != 0) { mdb_txn_commit(mdb_txn); return 0; } if (!repo_fsrepo_lmdb_build_record(&db_key, &db_value, record)) { mdb_txn_commit(mdb_txn); return 0; } // clean up mdb_txn_commit(mdb_txn); return 1; } /** * Write data to the datastore with the specified key * @param key the key * @param key_size the length of the key * @param data the data to be written * @param data_size the length of the data to be written * @param datastore the datastore to write to * @returns true(1) on success */ int repo_fsrepo_lmdb_put(unsigned const char* key, size_t key_size, unsigned char* data, size_t data_size, const struct Datastore* datastore) { int retVal; MDB_txn* mdb_txn; MDB_dbi mdb_dbi; struct MDB_val db_key; struct MDB_val db_value; unsigned long long old_timestamp = 0; struct DatastoreRecord *datastore_record = NULL; struct JournalRecord *journalstore_record = NULL; struct lmdb_trans_cursor *journalstore_cursor = NULL; MDB_env* mdb_env = (MDB_env*)datastore->handle; if (mdb_env == NULL) return 0; // open transaction retVal = mdb_txn_begin(mdb_env, NULL, 0, &mdb_txn); if (retVal != 0) return 0; retVal = mdb_dbi_open(mdb_txn, "DATASTORE", MDB_DUPSORT | MDB_CREATE, &mdb_dbi); if (retVal != 0) return 0; // check the datastore to see if it is already there. If it is there, use its timestamp if it is older. repo_fsrepo_lmdb_get(key, key_size, &datastore_record, datastore); if (datastore_record != NULL) { // build the journalstore_record with the search criteria journalstore_record = lmdb_journal_record_new(); journalstore_record->hash_size = key_size; journalstore_record->hash = malloc(key_size); memcpy(journalstore_record->hash, key, key_size); journalstore_record->timestamp = datastore_record->timestamp; // look up the corresponding journalstore record for possible updating journalstore_cursor = lmdb_trans_cursor_new(); journalstore_cursor->transaction = mdb_txn; lmdb_journalstore_get_record((void*)mdb_env, journalstore_cursor, &journalstore_record); } else { // it wasn't previously in the database datastore_record = libp2p_datastore_record_new(); if (datastore_record == NULL) { libp2p_logger_error("lmdb_datastore", "put: Unable to allocate memory for DatastoreRecord.\n"); return 0; } } // Put in the timestamp if it isn't there already (or is newer) unsigned long long now = os_utils_gmtime(); if (datastore_record->timestamp == 0 || datastore_record->timestamp > now) { //we need to update the timestamp. Be sure to update the journal too. (done further down) old_timestamp = datastore_record->timestamp; datastore_record->timestamp = now; } // fill in the other fields datastore_record->key_size = key_size; datastore_record->key = (uint8_t*)key; datastore_record->value_size = data_size; datastore_record->value = data; // convert it into a byte array size_t record_size = 0; uint8_t *record; repo_fsrepo_lmdb_encode_record(datastore_record, &record, &record_size); // prepare data db_key.mv_size = key_size; db_key.mv_data = (char*)key; // write db_value.mv_size = record_size; db_value.mv_data = record; retVal = mdb_put(mdb_txn, mdb_dbi, &db_key, &db_value, MDB_NODUPDATA); if (retVal == 0) { // added the datastore record, now work with the journalstore if (journalstore_record != NULL) { if (journalstore_record->timestamp != datastore_record->timestamp) { // we need to update journalstore_record->timestamp = datastore_record->timestamp; lmdb_journalstore_cursor_put(journalstore_cursor, journalstore_record); lmdb_journal_record_free(journalstore_record); } } else { // add it to the journalstore journalstore_record = lmdb_journal_record_new(); journalstore_record->hash = (uint8_t*)key; journalstore_record->hash_size = key_size; journalstore_record->timestamp = datastore_record->timestamp; journalstore_record->pending = 1; // TODO: Calculate this correctly journalstore_record->pin = 1; if (!lmdb_journalstore_journal_add(mdb_txn, journalstore_record)) { libp2p_logger_error("lmdb_datastore", "Datastore record was added, but problem adding Journalstore record. Continuing.\n"); } lmdb_journal_record_free(journalstore_record); retVal = 1; } } else { // datastore record was unable to be added. libp2p_logger_error("lmdb_datastore", "mdb_put returned %d.\n", retVal); retVal = 0; } // cleanup free(record); mdb_txn_commit(mdb_txn); return retVal; } /** * Open an lmdb database with the given parameters. * Note: for now, the parameters are not used * @param argc number of parameters in the following array * @param argv an array of parameters */ int repo_fsrepro_lmdb_open(int argc, char** argv, struct Datastore* datastore) { // create environment struct MDB_env* mdb_env; if (mdb_env_create(&mdb_env) < 0) { mdb_env_close(mdb_env); return 0; } // at most, 2 databases will be opened. The datastore and the journal. MDB_dbi dbs = 2; if (mdb_env_set_maxdbs(mdb_env, dbs) != 0) { mdb_env_close(mdb_env); return 0; } // open the environment if (mdb_env_open(mdb_env, datastore->path, 0, S_IRWXU) < 0) { mdb_env_close(mdb_env); return 0; } datastore->handle = (void*)mdb_env; return 1; } /*** * Close an LMDB database * NOTE: for now, argc and argv are not used * @param argc number of parameters in the argv array * @param argv parameters to be passed in * @param datastore the datastore struct that contains information about the opened database */ int repo_fsrepo_lmdb_close(struct Datastore* datastore) { struct MDB_env* mdb_env = (struct MDB_env*)datastore->handle; mdb_env_close(mdb_env); return 1; } /*** * Create a new cursor on the datastore database * @param datastore the place to store the cursor * @returns true(1) on success, false(0) otherwise */ int repo_fsrepo_lmdb_cursor_open(struct Datastore* datastore) { if (datastore->handle != NULL) { MDB_env* mdb_env = (MDB_env*)datastore->handle; MDB_dbi mdb_dbi; if (datastore->cursor == NULL ) { datastore->cursor = malloc(sizeof(struct lmdb_trans_cursor)); struct lmdb_trans_cursor* cursor = (struct lmdb_trans_cursor*)datastore->cursor; // open transaction if (mdb_txn_begin(mdb_env, NULL, 0, &cursor->transaction) != 0) return 0; MDB_txn* mdb_txn = (MDB_txn*)cursor->transaction; if (mdb_dbi_open(mdb_txn, "DATASTORE", MDB_DUPSORT | MDB_CREATE, &mdb_dbi) != 0) { mdb_txn_commit(mdb_txn); return 0; } // open cursor if (mdb_cursor_open(mdb_txn, mdb_dbi, &cursor->cursor) != 0) { mdb_txn_commit(mdb_txn); return 0; } return 1; } } return 0; } /*** * Get a record using a cursor * @param key the key from the record * @param key_length the length of the key * @param value the value of the record * @param value_length the length of the value * @param CURSOR_FIRST or CURSOR_NEXT * @param datastore holds the reference to the opened cursor * @returns true(1) on success, false(0) otherwise */ int repo_fsrepo_lmdb_cursor_get(unsigned char** key, int* key_length, unsigned char** value, int* value_length, enum DatastoreCursorOp op, struct Datastore* datastore) { if (datastore->cursor != NULL) { struct lmdb_trans_cursor* tc = (struct lmdb_trans_cursor*)datastore->cursor; MDB_val mdb_key; MDB_val mdb_value; MDB_cursor_op co = MDB_FIRST; if (op == CURSOR_FIRST) co = MDB_FIRST; else if (op == CURSOR_NEXT) co = MDB_NEXT; if (mdb_cursor_get(tc->cursor, &mdb_key, &mdb_value, co) != 0) { return 0; } *key = (unsigned char*)malloc(mdb_key.mv_size); memcpy(*key, mdb_key.mv_data, mdb_key.mv_size); *key_length = mdb_key.mv_size; if (value != NULL) { // don't do this if a null is passed in, time saver *value = (unsigned char*)malloc(mdb_value.mv_size); memcpy(*value, mdb_value.mv_data, mdb_value.mv_size); *value_length = mdb_value.mv_size; } return 1; } return 0; } /** * Close an existing cursor * @param datastore the context * @returns true(1) on success */ int repo_fsrepo_lmdb_cursor_close(struct Datastore* datastore) { if (datastore->cursor != NULL) { struct lmdb_trans_cursor* cursor = (struct lmdb_trans_cursor*)datastore->cursor; if (cursor->cursor != NULL) { mdb_cursor_close(cursor->cursor); mdb_txn_commit(cursor->transaction); free(cursor); return 1; } free(cursor); } return 0; } /*** * Places the LMDB methods into the datastore's function pointers * @param datastore the datastore to fill * @returns true(1) on success; */ int repo_fsrepo_lmdb_cast(struct Datastore* datastore) { datastore->datastore_open = &repo_fsrepro_lmdb_open; datastore->datastore_close = &repo_fsrepo_lmdb_close; datastore->datastore_put = &repo_fsrepo_lmdb_put; datastore->datastore_get = &repo_fsrepo_lmdb_get; datastore->datastore_cursor_open = &repo_fsrepo_lmdb_cursor_open; datastore->datastore_cursor_get = &repo_fsrepo_lmdb_cursor_get; datastore->datastore_cursor_close = &repo_fsrepo_lmdb_cursor_close; datastore->cursor = NULL; return 1; } /*** * Creates the directory * @param datastore contains the path that needs to be created * @returns true(1) on success */ int repo_fsrepo_lmdb_create_directory(struct Datastore* datastore) { #ifdef __MINGW32__ return mkdir(datastore->path) == 0; #else return mkdir(datastore->path, S_IRWXU) == 0; #endif }