/*** * handles a repo on the file system */ #ifndef fs_repo_h #define fs_repo_h #include #include "ipfs/repo/config/config.h" /** * a structure to hold the repo info */ struct FSRepo { int closed; char* path; struct IOCloser* lock_file; struct RepoConfig* config; struct Datastore* data_store; }; /** * opens a fsrepo * @param repo_path the path to the repo * @param repo where to store the repo info * @return 0 if there was a problem, otherwise 1 */ int ipfs_repo_fsrepo_open(struct FSRepo* repo); /*** * checks to see if the repo is initialized * @param repo_path the path to the repo * @returns true(1) if it is initialized, otherwise false(0) */ int fs_repo_is_initialized(char* repo_path); /** * write the config file to disk * @param path the path to the file * @param config the config structure * @returns true(1) on success */ int fs_repo_write_config_file(char* path, struct RepoConfig* config); /** * Initializes a new FSRepo at the given path with the provided config * @param repo_path the path to use * @param config the information for the config file * @returns true(1) on success */ int ipfs_repo_fsrepo_new(char* repo_path, struct RepoConfig* config, struct FSRepo** fs_repo); /*** * Free all resources used by this struct * @param repo the repo to clean up * @returns true(1) on success */ int ipfs_repo_fsrepo_free(struct FSRepo* config); /*** * Initialize a new repo with the specified configuration * @param config the information in order to build the repo * @returns true(1) on success */ int ipfs_repo_fsrepo_init(struct FSRepo* config); #endif /* fs_repo_h */