#include #include #include "libp2p/utils/logger.h" #include "ipfs/namesys/resolver.h" /** * The opposite of publisher.c * * These are the resources for resolving an IPNS name, turning it into an ipfs path */ /** * Determine if the incoming path is in ipns format * @param path the path to check * @returns true(1) if the path begins with "/ipns/" */ int is_ipns_string(char* path) { if (path == NULL) return 0; if (strstr(path, "/ipns/") == path) return 1; return 0; } /*** * Resolve an IPNS name, only to its next step * @param local_node the context * @param path the ipns_path (i.e. "ipns/Qm12345...") * @param results where to store the results (i.e. "ipns/Qm5678...") * @returns true(1) on success, false(0) otherwise */ int ipfs_namesys_resolver_resolve_once(struct IpfsNode* local_node, const char* path, char** results) { struct Cid* cid = NULL; if (!ipfs_cid_decode_hash_from_ipfs_ipns_string(path, &cid)) { return 0; } // look locally struct DatastoreRecord* record; if (local_node->repo->config->datastore->datastore_get(cid->hash, cid->hash_length, &record, local_node->repo->config->datastore)) { // we are able to handle this locally... return the results *results = (char*) malloc(record->value_size + 1); memset(*results, 0, record->value_size + 1); memcpy(*results, record->value, record->value_size); ipfs_cid_free(cid); return 1; } //TODO: ask the network ipfs_cid_free(cid); return 0; } /** * Resolve an IPNS name. * NOTE: if recursive is set to false, the result could be another ipns path * @param local_node the context * @param path the ipns path (i.e. "/ipns/Qm12345..") * @param recursive true to resolve until the result is not ipns, false to simply get the next step in the path * @param result the results (i.e. "/ipfs/QmAb12CD...") * @returns true(1) on success, false(0) otherwise */ int ipfs_namesys_resolver_resolve(struct IpfsNode* local_node, const char* path, int recursive, char** results) { char* result = NULL; char* current_path = (char*) malloc(strlen(path) + 1); strcpy(current_path, path); // if we go more than 10 deep, bail int counter = 0; do { if (counter > 10) { libp2p_logger_error("resolver", "Resolver looped %d times. Infinite loop? Last result: %s.\n", counter, current_path); free(current_path); return 0; } // resolve the current path if (!ipfs_namesys_resolver_resolve_once(local_node, current_path, &result)) { libp2p_logger_error("resolver", "Resolver returned false searching for %s.\n", current_path); free(current_path); return 0; } // result will not be NULL free(current_path); current_path = (char*) malloc(strlen(result)+1); strcpy(current_path, result); free(result); counter++; } while(recursive && is_ipns_string(current_path)); *results = current_path; return 1; }